Lets Screw The RIAA!


Jul 4, 2003
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I just had an idea, I don't know for sure if it will work or not yet, but we will find out. (If anyone on these boards has lawyer parents, or is a lawyer tell me if this will work :cheese: )

Ok here it is...
Now we all know how the RIAA likes to sue everybody for downloading music. So here is what we do. Lets go out and buy a few cds each, save your reciepts and also mail them back to yourself. Now they have a legitimate track on the date and time these cds came into your possession. Next lets wait say a week or even 2. Then go on kazaa and download every song that you had just purchased on those cds, no more no less. Don't share the files either, just download. When the RIAA sniffs around and sees that you've downloaded these songs they will send you a subpoena, take your evidence to court proving you already purchased this material over a week prior to downloading then counter sue their asses for court costs and whatever else you can think of (defimation of character perhaps?) and if we all do this we can bring them down, or at the very least put an end to the law suites. :cheers: What do you think?
as much as I'd love to screw the RIAA, this won't work for 2 reasons I can think of off the top of my head:
1. The chances of them sending you a subpeona are pretty low, considering the huge number of music sharers online. Chances are slim to none
2. The RIAA generally finds violators if they are sharing, as they can find their IP since those people are hovering out there anyway. Not to mention newer versions oif k-lite and stuffcome with IP blocking so the RIAA can't find you anyway.

so sadly, that probably won't work =\
ah damn..... that sucks, heheh it was a valiant effort.. Back to the drawing board

(i'll get you riaa, hahaha :flame: )
I feel like prank calling them.
The way you reply to those annoying tele-marketers.
"Hey, is your refridgerator running?
If it is, you'd better run after it...or it'll make love to a mini-bar..."
"You have 7 days...":|
lol bring them over for a tea party and get them drunk...begin to rub on their nipples and...:cheese:
Originally posted by Tredoslop

"You have 7 days...":|
lol good thing you mention that we actually almost pulled that on a friend after watchin the ring but we forgot about it :(.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
lol good thing you mention that we actually almost pulled that on a friend after watchin the ring but we forgot about it :(.

yeah my friend's sister did that to me. she started im'ing me with "seven days" but i knew who she was anyways... so basically my replies were "that's nice"
then somewhere she changed to "a month"... me: "awesome i've got three more weeks"
and then she started "singing" santa claus is coming to town... "you better watch out, you better not cry"..... me: "so now you're santa claus...?!"
her: some reference to the horses in the ring.... me: "wait so you're the girl too.... whoa so you're like a mix of santa claus and that little girl.... get away from me you freak!!! :eek:"
needless to say, that was a weird conversation.
Fear my avatar! IT'LL KILL YOU IN 7 DAYS!

You know, I think The Ring/Ring has derailed more topics than any other thing at HL2.net :)
lol its funny how a "screw the riaa" topic can turn into a ring/christam thread withing seconds