lets try to fill a gmail account


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
sign this up for as much junk pr0n and enlarge your pen0r junk as possible

[email protected]

I want to see how fast we can fill up a gmail account with spam, how big are they really?

Get the Gmail Drive extension for the windows shell, then drag your mp3 or movie archive onto it.
I've started emailing my music collection
This IS a really funny Idea, But I garuntee you that I can fill it. I no a site that will send you at least 1 meg a day...
i did this before, its impossable, hell you could prolly find my thread on it
MarcoPollo said:
This IS a really funny Idea, But I garuntee you that I can fill it. I no a site that will send you at least 1 meg a day...

Okay link me to that site or just pm me the site plz :d
^^^^Search for the columbian record club on google and sign up for everything they offer.

Btw: I have already got the account signed up for about 100 emails a day.

MarcoPollo said:
^^^^Search for the columbian record club on google and sign up for everything they offer.

Btw: I have already got the account signed up for about 100 emails a day.

Mate email me the link, I googled it but I got so much results , I dont know which one it is. Thx
I sent the PM and now, we wait....Also, babyheadcrab, you need to activate 1 site.
can you post up places to signup email for spam. It comes in useful sometimes. Someone should make one site or program that takes an email and signs it up to like 1000 spam sites.
just find any of those so called free porn sites (ALL YOU NEED IS YOUR EMAIL) type of deal... most..spam...ever (dont ask how I know, I was young and stupid)

Revisedsoul said:

but oh well your more popular than me so you might do it :P

not to mention better grammer

sorry, didn't see it. :x I didn't try to steal your idea though :p I just thought it would be funny.

again it's [email protected]
^^ COuld you be anymore obnoxious with your huge linkage, Yes we get it. THAT IS THE LINK. Im going away. Btw 100 more emails coming ur way
Quiet down yous^^^I don't need your logic lousing up my flames! lol btw I just signed up spamcow for like 10 pr0n sites!
i think this is just so he gets Gigs of pr0n and music without having to go to the bother of downloading it himself! :P
Signed you upto about 50 newsletters, alot being music websites, so lots of freebees their. Enjoy!