Let's use this thread for everything BioShock-related


Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Instead of making a new one for every video or batch of screenshots released, eh? If it works, then hey, colour me impressed. Chances are that there'll be more threads all the same, but see this as an attempt to round things up and make the coverage and discussions a little less fragmented.

Regardless, here's a little list of relevant info, though I don't claim that it's in the least bit final. Everyone's free to add things I've overlooked, of course.

Latest preview from IGN (28th of October).

Screenshots available on IGN..

All the videos on GameTrailers.

The IGN-preview struck me as very promising.
Yep, looking promising.

Also -


Whoa! Look out for those fish! :O
I can't wait? That is all I can say :o, it simply looks like the fresh breath of air the fps genre has needed since the rekease Deus Ex or Half-Life 2. I want it nowwws!
I'm liking most everything I've heard and seen about it, just as long as it's fun to play. The "shooter" part of FPS in Bioshock looks like it could use some work to me...

And yeah, I realise most of what we've seen is unfinished, so I'm only speculating really. Just worried it's gonna turn out like Oblivion. Huge, lushly detailed world, tons of stuff to do, and total free reign while doing it. But a totally lacklustre combat system just brought it down (that and the levelling, but that doesn't seem to apply to BS).

Worried also that they seem to focussing alot on defying convention and challenging FPS cliches. Just hope they keep in the stuff that makes a first person shooter what it is, rather than trashing it cause it's already been done >.>
Worried also that they seem to focussing alot on defying convention and challenging FPS cliches. Just hope they keep in the stuff that makes a first person shooter what it is, rather than trashing it cause it's already been done >.>

Think of it more as Irrational are expanding on what they succeeded with System Shock. This isn't defying convention for the sake of it.
I gave up on System Shock cause I got too freaked, so I'll have to take your word for it :x

Little worried about the scary factor in Bio aswell, come to think of it. If it turns out to be a great game, I'll just have to suck it up though :P
Actually I think I heard about an announcement from X06 that it will come out this Spring. Of course, "this Spring" probably means "Q4 2007" in video game release date speak.
mhm...I really wanna buy a 360..but its just so much money :(
Uhg, why would you want to spoil a possible great FPS by playing it on a console? :hmph:
Because unlike the previous generation, consoles can get FPS right this time.
Also because my PC won't run it, but my 360 will :>
I think Bioshock will probably be good enough to be fun even with the awful clunkyness of using a controller, but as a huge fan of SS2 it would be like pulling teeth to me.
If it remains anything like it was on the video, the control itself will be a little clunky... or rather, it seems slow enough to leave room for clunkiness. Making any sense at all? :P

Just hope it works well for both PC and consoles, without being radically different for either.
I loved the X06 trailer. It gave me a warm feeling inside at the end.
If it remains anything like it was on the video, the control itself will be a little clunky... or rather, it seems slow enough to leave room for clunkiness. Making any sense at all? :P

Just hope it works well for both PC and consoles, without being radically different for either.
I'm not really talking about the movement, I mean the interface. SS2 had lots of clicking, dragging, and scrolling which they need to make work with a controller somehow. Unless they dumb down the game horribly and completely ruin it. But from what I've heard the PC and 360 versions will have completely different interface control.
I think Bioshock will be the kind of fps that's better with a joypad (yes, some are better), assuming analogue movement is implemented well. Any shooter that doesn't need very quick aiming is fine if you are used to using a pad, all with the added benefit of movement not being as crappy as it is with a keyboard.

Either way - the game looks great, and whether you buy it for the pc or the 360 it's going to kick ass :)
I'm not really talking about the movement, I mean the interface. SS2 had lots of clicking, dragging, and scrolling which they need to make work with a controller somehow. Unless they dumb down the game horribly and completely ruin it. But from what I've heard the PC and 360 versions will have completely different interface control.
Ah, yeah, that'd have to be different to stay functional for both. And I really hope it is, and that both work well without feeling like just a port of the other. I think that's something that next-gen cross-platform titles really have to improve upon older ones.
I was highly impressed it came out infront of Mass Effect, which IGN cannot stop praising as the second coming (and rightly so... hopefully). Watching it even more closely now :)
Would you drop a 'little sister' for adam? I don't know if I could.:x :( I am looking forward to a tango with a couple of big daddies. My girlfriend, who doesn't play games, is also very interested in seeing this game.
Difficult to say in advance.

On the same note, seeing the character pull the little sister out of the hole, throw her hard on the floor and raise his wrench on her was rather unsettling to me.
Difficult to say in advance.

On the same note, seeing the character pull the little sister out of the hole, throw her hard on the floor and raise his wrench on her was rather unsettling to me.
It was even more unsettling when he slowly 'hit' his hand with the wrench.>_<
Yeah, it was hard to keep in mind that it was the player doing that. If doing such a thing in-game comes off anything like that, you're really gonna feel the consequences of your actions...
The little sisters look a bit evil to me. They remind me of the freaky kid in Pet Sematary. It'll be my duty to end them all with a shotgun blast to the face. If anything it'll be a kindness :)
You'll be owned by Big Bros/Big Daddies then ;) Did you read the preview from X06? Apparently they take a HELL of a lot firepower to take down and resources are very scarce.. I think that if you aim to kill every Little Sister, you'll be starving on resources 100% of your time through the game..:p
Bah - those big stumbling oafs can eat my dust! With all the adam i'll be getting from these unholy children I shall be a living god! ahaha
Well, adam etc will probably have very nasty side-effects, just like the drugs in SS1 had, you know, there was this drug that enhanced your sight considerably or w/e, but the side effect was that after a while, you'd get incredibly decreased vision, I think they're doing something similiar for Adam to balance the game ;)
That could be neat. Paying for your greed and callousness later down the line. Perhaps wondering blind through the game, each little sister brutally murdered and every Big Daddy hungry for revenge, would be a fitting punishment :)

'wassat, don't come any closer, arrrgghghg'!
Seeing as your body actually gets deformed if you modify yourself, I wonder if that has an impact on the "get to the surface" part of the game, if that is indeed a part of the game.