Level 5's Rogue Galaxy details...

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone else heard of this game? I have been waiting for a worthy successor to Dark Cloud 2 and it looks like this might be it(apart from Dragon Warriror VIII)!

Read all about it here.

The variety of planets/areas and the factory/invention system sound like wonderful additions to the already terrific gameplay that Level 5 does so well. The relative open-endedness of Dragon Warrior VIII looks like a brilliant move and I imagine that this title will have that in spades as well. Definitely one to watch!
I absolutely fell in love with Dark Cloud 2. :)

This looks very nice, keeping an eye on it.
WOW. All I can say is that I don't think that I have ever seen an RPG so impressive before. This looks a million times better than any Final Fantasy I can remember. Watch this trailer and see for yourself! AMAZING! I can't wait!!!