I created a small room, added an info_player_start and an info_player_terrorist entity. The map compiles, and runs fine, but it ignores any lights I've placed, giving me the console message "Level unlit, setting 'mat_fullbright 1'".
Can anyone shed any, um, light on this problem ? I'm mostly interested in coding, but I'd like to be able to put simple maps together, to test various concepts. Plus, this should be fun to play with, until Valve releases the rest of the SDK.
[EDIT] I noticed this error while compiling: "Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 49". Related?
Can anyone shed any, um, light on this problem ? I'm mostly interested in coding, but I'd like to be able to put simple maps together, to test various concepts. Plus, this should be fun to play with, until Valve releases the rest of the SDK.
[EDIT] I noticed this error while compiling: "Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 49". Related?