Liberty City Stories

Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well my copy arrived this morning and I can tell you...


:cheers: Graphics are brilliant the story so far is original and funny and full of that GTA charm,:D and it plays like a dream, its so worth owning a psp for this game so get one now!

I will give a nice review of the multiplayer tommorow when I meet my friend in the pub who is getting his copy tommorow at some point.. :cheers:
I heard that the framerate is pretty stable, especially compared to the GTA games on PS2 (which ran like crap at some points). Is that true?
The multiplayer part sounds especially nice. Is it like PS2 san andreas multi? Except that there might not be the restrictions for players as they both have their own screens
The Framerate has been around about 30 fps constant and only really goes down if there is some major action going on (Like 4 police cars ramming you :D) but even then its very playable.
Apparently the multiplayer its totally free roaming and has 7 diffrent modes and looks a blast, really looking forward to trying it out :D
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
The Framerate has been about 30 fps constant I would guess and only really goes down if there is some major action going on (Like 4 police cars ramming you :D) but even then its very playable.

That sounds good, thanks for the answer. :)

I'll pick this up whenever I got the chance. This will be my sixth PSP game then. :P (doh, fixed error)
Sounds good, I hear vice city is coming to psp next year.
I find the very idea behind LCS lazy. They didn't even make a new map.
ríomhaire said:
I find the very idea behind LCS lazy. They didn't even make a new map.

And? Its for PSP.

Yeah, I wish I could play it - everywhere I turn PSP's are out of stock.
I've got LCS and it really is a whole lot of fun.

Some reviews have said the story isn't as good as the others but I totally disagree.

I find the writing to actually be funnier, better, more dramatic AND more believeable than games lice Vice City and San Andreas.
ríomhaire said:
I find the very idea behind LCS lazy. They didn't even make a new map.

Its not lazy at all, Everything apart from the map is totally new content from the radio to the fantastic multiplayer modes, + its on a handheld which is just far to cool.;)