Liberty Faction of

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Party Escort Bot
Jul 10, 2006
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Fellow HL2.netters, I come to you, in the wake of recent events, to issue a call to reason.

Let no forumite deny the perils of our time. As we battled one another, divided by the petty strife of our personal beliefs, the shadow of a greater evil is looming upon us. Seeking to opress us and our freedoms, shady characters seek to lure you into a sense of false security with their promises of a better future, in exchange for your devotion.

No more I say! If you are a man, not a troll, if you value your liberties above all else, if you are ready to take responsibility for your future, join the Liberty Faction! Together, we shall rebuild the great Republic, as it once were (with a few improvements):

* 70px avatars for everyone!
* Transparent infraction and banning system!
* Miscellanous reopened!
* Fair wages!
* Freedom of speech!
* Weekly Team Fortress 2 server matches!
* Customizable user titles!

Vote Liberty!
I love you for the reference to my favorite game.

I'll follow you to hell if that's what it takes.
You want to bring back the horror that was misc?
You evil, evil people.
I was about to make my own, but this one is awesome.
I must warn you, voters. You would have a furry at your head.

First forumite to create an innuendo related to above sentence gets an allocated section of power.
I must warn you, voters. You would have a furry at your head.

First forumite to create an innuendo related to above sentence gets an allocated section of power.

Kinda like that one scene in The Shining.
Brothers and sisters, I come to you, hounded by the security force of the regime.

Today's events at the headquarters of the Benevolent Dictatorship Party of prove that the spirit of freedom is still alive in your hearts. Those brave souls that stood up to the inhuman opressors are now held captive in the deepest dungeons of Citadel Munro. Each one of them has sacrificed themselves for a brighter future.

Unite, and let the flame of liberty never go out in your hearts.

Liberty, now and forever!
We will prevail.

Or die(bant) with freedom in our hearts.
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