Life after Death?


Sep 23, 2003
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DO you guys think their is life after death?
DO ya??? and if there isnt....what would happen to you? like your dead....forever..just think about that....weird feeling if your dead forever because then you couldnt even know you were dead....and your dead FOREVER...that would suck...but i think there is life after death
Also ask how exactly, who exactly, and why exactly the universe exists/was made?.
Yes, everyone will be reborn as a cat.
Well, some people believe in being born again, and some people even say that they're born again on earth...weeeeell, that doesn't make sense? If everyone's born again then how come the population keeps growing?
If There Was A Life After Death, I Will Just Kill Myself Now To Get This One Over With!
Complaining about spam = spam.
Pointing that out is spam. So this post is spam! We could solve WORLD HUNGER!
i hope there isnt. if there is, it better be DAMN sweet.
There's not a definite answer to this question, only opinions. Most of the opinions will also not be based on anything that we know certainly exists. I for one think no one will ever know the answer until they actually die.
coolio2man said:
Complaining about spam = spam.
Pointing that out is spam. So this post is spam! We could solve WORLD HUNGER!
Hey its my topic..i have the rights :p (ok back to discussion) no more
As long as I can still do the safety dance, I am fine with having another life.
I think this topic will come to the point of disorganized spam very early in its life. What happens after that only the great mods know.
I believe that after death I can live forever simply because outside of reality there are no rules. The concept of me can exist no matter what if it's not tied to reality. There's already 5 million me's in imaginary land, why? because I say so. it doesn't make a difference if you call it heaven or hell, anything that doesn't impact current reality is equally likely/possible because there's no limitations. Makes you wonder if the whole universe only exists in someone's imagination
Dan said:
I believe that after death I can live forever simply because outside of reality there are no rules. The concept of me can exist no matter what if it's not tied to reality. There's already 5 million me's in imaginary land, why? because I say so. it doesn't make a difference if you call it heaven or hell, anything that doesn't impact current reality is equally likely/possible because there's no limitations. Makes you wonder if the whole universe only exists in someone's imagination
confusing, really is
Eh, who knows? Maybe we hang around as ghosts, maybe we go to heaven/hell. Maybe we all come back as rocks or goats. Or maybe that's all b.s. and we don't come back at all.

Maybe I'll be reincarnated as a boulder. Rockslide anyone?
remember what it was like before you were born? Well thats what its like when you die.
I say we stop worrying about life after death, and start paying attention to the one we have right now. Maybe death is the start of a new adventure, and maybe all that awaits us after this is eternal oblivion. Doesn't really matter, what matters is what we have here and now, and what we leave behind.
I think there is no life after death, I think it's exactly the same before you were born. You just appear, so what's to say that you experience the same thing after death?

edit: What Intervision961 said ;)
qckbeam said:
I say we stop worrying about life after death, and start paying attention to the one we have right now.

I think that's an important philosophy, most notably stated in history by Confucius, and something we should all consider.

You know, I'm an open-minded guy, and I've read up a lot on all the different religions of the world, but it's Confucianism that particularly fascinates me with it's stress on this life first, the afterlife second. Maybe ole' Confucius had an interesting idea going, huh?
I think it's important to not dwell on these things too much...but just discussing it from time to time can be interesting.

What if we're already living a "life after death" right now? What if it's just an endless chain of lives in completely different worlds as different people.

Or maybe it's just the same life over and over again... That could explain those unexplainable "Deja vu's"
AmishSlayer said:
I think it's important to not dwell on these things too much...but just discussing it from time to time can be interesting.

What if we're already living a "life after death" right now? What if it's just an endless chain of lives in completely different worlds as different people.

Or maybe it's just the same life over and over again... That could explain those unexplainable "Deja vu's"
lol...amish slayer ill see you next life :p then i have to wait for hl2 all over again
FortisVir said:
I think that's an important philosophy, most notably stated in history by Confucius, and something we should all consider.

You know, I'm an open-minded guy, and I've read up a lot on all the different religions of the world, but it's Confucianism that particularly fascinates me with it's stress on this life first, the afterlife second. Maybe ole' Confucius had an interesting idea going, huh?

Yea thats also the philosophy behind satanism.
AmishSlayer said:
I think it's important to not dwell on these things too much...but just discussing it from time to time can be interesting.

What if we're already living a "life after death" right now? What if it's just an endless chain of lives in completely different worlds as different people.

Or maybe it's just the same life over and over again... That could explain those unexplainable "Deja vu's"

That would suck really bad, my life is only just now getting worth living its been all crap before this. But then again I wouldnt know. I personally hope there isnt a afterlife, I dont want eternal happiness or eternal punishment..I just want it to be the end of the story when I die ;(. I guess some can say thats depressing but I dont want to exist anymore.
mchammer75040 said:
I guess some can say thats depressing but I dont want to exist anymore.

Ah... but what would it be to not exist anymore? Life is like a stream of consciousness and thought...what would it be like for it to just stop?

Even when you sleep (dreamless sleep) you still have concept of time and the world...but would dying just be an eternal sleep?

I hate to inform you all of this...but the only people with the answers... have passed away... I's hard to accept...but I guess we'll never get the answers :(
AmishSlayer said:
Ah... but what would it be to not exist anymore? Life is like a stream of consciousness and thought...what would it be like for it to just stop?

Well we wouldnt know, since if it were to just stop then well we cant really be aware of its absence.

AmishSlayer said:
Even when you sleep (dreamless sleep) you still have concept of time and the world...but would dying just be an eternal sleep?

I remember reading a book on eastern philosophy by Alan Watts and he says some believe we may live out our death for all eternity since our perception of time changes drastically when dieing. So you could get your immortality by experiencing your death forever. I dont think thats plausible at all though, but I do know though that we spend a small amount of time in a dream like state after we are declared dead.

AmishSlayer said:
I hate to inform you all of this...but the only people with the answers... have passed away... I's hard to accept...but I guess we'll never get the answers :(

Let me kill you and bring you back so we can find out :naughty:.
In death, we go to the underworld. We give our little coins to Charon, so he may escort us across the river, Styx. Afterwards, we journey to the river, Lethe, where we drink from it and forget our past lives. Then most of us will continue to roam around the underworld, with a select view going to Tartarus (bad) and the Elysian Fields (good).
Heaven = yep!
Hell = Yep!

final answer = Yep!

AmishSlayer said:
I hate to inform you all of this...but the only people with the answers... have passed away... I's hard to accept...but I guess we'll never get the answers :(

Maybe that is why we should stop asking the question, and put our minds to better use. Perhaps instead of trying to answer the impossible, we could focus on making this life as wonderful as it can possibly be.

FortisVir said:
I think that's an important philosophy, most notably stated in history by Confucius, and something we should all consider.

You know, I'm an open-minded guy, and I've read up a lot on all the different religions of the world, but it's Confucianism that particularly fascinates me with it's stress on this life first, the afterlife second. Maybe ole' Confucius had an interesting idea going, huh?

Indeed, listening to a religion, or rather a philosophy, with a focus on living this life (similar to what Confucianism teaches) could do this world quite a bit of good. He was most definitely on to something. No church nor clergy; no teaching on the worship of God or gods, or life after death. Only a system of good conduct, and this rule: "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others". "The injuries done to you by an enemy should be returned with a combination of love and justice".
My feeble human mind can't comprehend total unconciousness but I am not religious so I don't relaly know. But as qck-y and others have said, this question is relaly kind of pointless and we all should pretty much forget it ever existed. starting... now.
Well, lets get someone to kill themself and come back as a ghost. Or is that possible?
coolio2man said:
Well, lets get someone to kill themself and come back as a ghost. Or is that possible?

yeah sure, I'll do it

/me kills himself, and comes back as a ghost to type this message

Heavens alright, there is a shortage of chairs though.
fizzlephox said:
There's not a definite answer to this question, only opinions. Most of the opinions will also not be based on anything that we know certainly exists. I for one think no one will ever know the answer until they actually die.
Oh but there is!
We are just on the other side of the hill.

My soul believes there is an afterlife.
My body doesn't.
you know, I did just resolve the whole situation by killing myself and rematerializing as a ghost. Is that not good enough for you?!?
nw909 said:
A monkey set out to destroy us all, like duh.

lol that makes sense.. :LOL:
no but seriously anyone wanna give me a real answer?
Whoa thats insane nw909 you have over 6,000 posts..
**me bows down**
mchammer75040 said:
lol that makes sense.. :LOL:
no but seriously anyone wanna give me a real answer?
Whoa thats insane nw909 you have over 6,000 posts..
**me bows down**

A soul was something thought up by people in a time when brainprocesses weren't explainable by chemical and electrical processes.
And I wouldn't have a clue what role a "soul" would perform in your body, thinking is done with you brain, your body is controlled by your brain, your consciousness is controlled by your brain, your emotions are controlled by your brain. Face it, you are your brain.

And so I come to my conclusion: you'll lose all that stuff when the brain dies. So the period after your death is similar to the period before your birth. Can you remember that period? No, because your brainfunctions were non-existent.

The thought of an afterlife is nice and comforting, but there's no real reason to believe it's actually true imho.