Lifter Technology, LOL


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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I was just watching a vid on youtube on someone who contructed a very basic "lifter". I t was made even more funnier when it turned out the guy doing the experiment got a shock earlier before the vid.

I find that lifter technology is interesting to say the least. But at the current stage, I don't think there will be a practical use for it at the moment, however in the future, maybe.

For those of you not in the know, this is an example of a "Lifter" :bounce:

I think there may of been two forum members who have done experiments involving lifter's, however since the last thread (2 years ago I think) there may be more people who have attempted it. Any thoughts?
I like how everyone who does this is under the assumption that it's new, unproven, and untested technology. "Look! It's actually floating." And that it's related to UFOs. If he's actually tapping into the flyback of a CRT monitor for the juice, I hope they're being safer than they were in the video.
That stuff looks awesome! Needs to be put to practical use though.
Lol, it sounds like it's auxilary wired directly into the chicks underwear..
I found that some people have already done this quite a few years ago. And they are a group of Hong Kong students who won a prize of some new-invention competition. It's not anything new or wired. Those guys in the video are copycat. :p
Yes. I'm pretty sure the students from Hong Kong invented the technology. Everybody else is a copycat/should be executed.
Still cool to see. Nifty...*New UFO hoaks foarming in my head...*

The government is developing foil hat remover technology! D:
HEV Suit said:
WARNING: Brain fluid levels are dropping!
Party mode activated.

Stapling your head gives us free drinks \o/

Last I heard, the major problem with this is that it's inefficient compared to other propulsion, therefore making it incredibly difficult to make a model able to list its own power source, and also unable to work in a vacuum - which stops it being useful in space (it ionises the air between the top and the bottom, and the movement of these ions pushes the object)

Still damn cool, though.

-Angry Lawyer