light and night problem


Mar 7, 2005
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hi there,

I'm having a problem with the light in my map.

I have a map simulating a freeway but i want to make it dark like if we were driving at night. That part is already covered the only problem is that the floor - displacement - continues very bright.

But the other problem is the light of the cars. I tried to use light_dynamic and point_spotlight but the light dynamic doens't work, only the point_spotlight which only creates a glow around the headlights which is invisible from the side of the driver.

Well once more i thank for any help or suggestion
The problem with the displacements I'm not sure about. However, to get a glow from all angles use a sprite.
how can i use a sprite? is it with the env_sprite entity? Because i can make th sprite to apear in the map but it looks like a texture only and not an effect..It apeears a two-dimensional image but with no transparency
You must set the parameter to "world space glow" under render mode.