light issuses and question


Jul 17, 2004
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I have yet to isert any light into my map and still is very bright. How do you get the settings for the light to be as they should?

Right now it's just real bright everywhere and no shadows. And I want to change that so I can start working with the lightning.
If you compile your map without any lights in it whatsoever, the game automatically sets fullbright to 1, which means all the surfaces are very bright. It's good when you want to compile small changes in your map without having to go through all the rad calculations before you get to test it out.

As soon as a light is in the map, fullbright is no longer set to 1. So you'd probably want to make a number of lights so that you don't get the center of your map lit and have everything else pitch black.

Also, try adding a light_env. It essentially lights the map as if there's a sun/moon/whatever-you-want-it-to-be in the sky.