I've been wondering something for a while, I hope someone can answer this...
You all remember those textures that use that blue color right? That blue color that's used as a transluscence indicator, wherever that blue color is, the texture won't be rendered?
What I want to know is, is it really not possible to make textures like that cast correct shadows?
Chainlink fences, for example, are usually made with textures like this, and they would look incredible if they could cast correct shadows!
The reason I don't think it's possible is that even Doom 3 doesn't cast "correct" shadows from these types of textures, and well... I'm betting ID pretty much made everything as spiffy as they could with that one...
2 example pics from Doom3 below...
So anyone got the goods?
You all remember those textures that use that blue color right? That blue color that's used as a transluscence indicator, wherever that blue color is, the texture won't be rendered?
What I want to know is, is it really not possible to make textures like that cast correct shadows?
Chainlink fences, for example, are usually made with textures like this, and they would look incredible if they could cast correct shadows!
The reason I don't think it's possible is that even Doom 3 doesn't cast "correct" shadows from these types of textures, and well... I'm betting ID pretty much made everything as spiffy as they could with that one...
2 example pics from Doom3 below...
So anyone got the goods?