light through walls and doors



I am having a problem with my map...

Light is shining through the creases of the wall where it meets the floor and light paths are also ignoring doors. I have included some screenshots for a better explanation.

I've checked that there are no gaps between any of the walls/doors and the floor.

can anyone help?
Blocking Light

Create a brush within the boundaries of your door brush and give it the texture of 'tools/toolsblocklight'.

If your floor is still not lighting very accurately, then change the size of your luxels using the texture lightmap setting. You can see your luxels in-game by typing mat_luxels 0/1. 0 = off and 1 = on.

One last thing, do not try to use the lightblock box as a physbox. I have tried it a couple of times and HL2 crashed every time.
but wouldn't that block the light when the door opens as well?
ya, that helps me understand the issue...I guess I'll have to settle with the blocklight texture...thank rof
Lights and Triggers

Also, you could place light entities on each end of the blocklight brush and try to blend each side of the doorframe together. Make the door's output turns the lights on as it opens and turn off when its fully closed.

This workaround is great if the contrast in light settings for each room is subtle.