Lights not lighting brushes...


Feb 27, 2005
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sorry if this is noob like, but I have no idea whats going on. So I have a map with a displacement and this arc brush bridge. the enviroment light lights everything fine. But my light only lights the displacement, I've tried lights in other places with other brushes as well. The only time I can see the proper lighting on the brushes is if I sorta look not directly at the brush and move the aimer up towards the sky and the brush lighting will kick in at the bottom of my screen... Anyone else have this problem?

lighting problem:

now its working?

note block is just random to show you, and there is a light right above it
I think what happened is that you used a texture on the brush that was meant for a model. To fix it, you have to change the texture to something that doesn't have "models" in it's name. Most of the time, there is an equivilant texuture that works on a brush, so take a look and see if you can find one.
Hyperjag3 said:
I think what happened is that you used a texture on the brush that was meant for a model. To fix it, you have to change the texture to something that doesn't have "models" in it's name. Most of the time, there is an equivilant texuture that works on a brush, so take a look and see if you can find one.
really? i didn't know they made a difference... In fact i thought i used a model's skin for a texture once...

maybe not :|
what Hyperjag3 seemed to be it, I changed to non model things and now it works. go figure, thanks for the help