Like Iraq, US Intel on Iran Faulty


May 5, 2004
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jebus, where have we seen this before?

Like Iraq, US Intel on Iran Faulty

First Iraq, now Iran. The United States has operated under a cloud of faulty intelligence in both countries.

In a bombshell intelligence assessment, the United States has backed away from its once-ironclad assertion that Tehran is intent on building nuclear bombs.

Where there once was certainty, there now is doubt. "We do not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons," the new estimate said Monday.

what the hell have I been saying for the last year or so?

Just last month, President Bush, at a news conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, said, "We talked about Iran and the desire to work jointly to convince the Iranian regime to give up their nuclear weapons ambitions, for the sake of peace."

More ominously, Bush told a news conference Oct. 17, "I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."

Asked then if he definitely believed that Iran wanted to build a nuclear bomb, Bush said, "Yeah, I believe they want to have the capacity, the knowledge, in order to make a nuclear weapon."

Intelligence officials advised Bush several months ago that they were reevaluating their assessments about Iran. They came to the White House last Wednesday and briefed him on their new findings.

The intelligence flip-flop recalled the embarrassing reversal that Bush was forced to make on whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. The conviction that Saddam Hussein had such weapons was one of the factors behind Bush's decision to invade Iraq. It since has been determined that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

funny how so many people were eager to blow the shit out of Iran for something their own intelligence says they dont have,4670,USIranAnalysis,00.html
I dont think the intelligence was faulty then and I dont think its faulty now. From what I've read this NIE was written a long time ago, the Bush administration has been delaying its release for as long as they possibly could.
isn't it amazing how no one wants to talk about this now? I mean every thread that's been made about Iran being a threat has got at least 3 pages and this only gets what one reply?
not too worry I'm sure it will come up in all future debates about Iran and wmd
Nobody responds because it isn't flashy - it's not as juicy as the women in Iran being hauled away for not dressing properly by Iranian police, or gays being hung from cranes, and such.

A report? Reading? Thats fag shit.

PS: It doesn't help that the American Media is pig disgusting in how the treat and cover news...just today I saw a story about how individual health care is almost non-existent for Americans becuase of how the Health Care Industry denies people with minor illnesses like Hayfever or Migraines coverage. They talked about that for - and I'm not kidding 2 minutes, and then spent the next 10 minutes talking about ****ing Olypmic cheerleaders. MSNBC is one giant ditzy blonde with ADD.
ya but are we willing to kill a million iranians and send iran into a downward spiral which it will never recover from just get rid of someone america isnt all that fond of? I mean the US has supported far worse
ya but are we willing to kill a million iranians and send iran into a downward spiral which it will never recover from just get rid of someone america isnt all that fond of? I mean the US has supported far worse.
War's not gonna happen stern, cuz I swear if it does, they will pay.

I'm 17 right now, I have just been accepted at the best medical university in iran to study medicine and I have no financial difficulties at all, but I swear to god, if a war happens just right now, I will not rest, until every invader is killed.
And what are you going to put in its place?

If this were fantasy land and I got the pick, a secular pro-west democracy. But where to find the people to run the new government is the tricky part.

ya but are we willing to kill a million iranians and send iran into a downward spiral which it will never recover from just get rid of someone america isnt all that fond of? I mean the US has supported far worse

There's got to be a better way for Iran to change without anyone dying, well the ayatollahs could die, they have it coming.

I don't know what you mean, I'm just giving my opinion. I really do think the regime needs to change, I don't see how you can be happy with the current situation.
me being happy with the current situation is not the case, me not being happy with others deciding for my country is.

and sorry about the language gunner, I'm a little sensitive about the matter.
If this were fantasy land and I got the pick, a secular pro-west democracy. But where to find the people to run the new government is the tricky part.
No, getting people to go along with your idea of their perfect government is the tricky part.

Believe it or not most people that live in Iran are regular people just like you and I. The difference is they like their country, like we like ours. They are not going to be too happy with us going in there and telling them how they should run their lives. So I really don't understand why you think their regime needs to be changed. As we know they are not developing any nuclear weapons so they really aren't hurting anyone but themselves, why this bothers people like you I don't understand.
are the spies of the USA dumb or what?

spy:I could get into the hangar they have something there
CIA: what is it?
spy: I dont know is cylindric like a sausage or something like that
CIA: omg a nuclear bomb!
spy: yeah maybe,it was of metal....and....
CIA: we have to report this immediately! good job agent,may god be whit you!*end communication*
spy....oooh that was the fuel tank of the airplane next to it..?..hello?hello?...oh well sure someone else will tell them, shawarma dancerz is going to be on tv tonight!
There's got to be a better way for Iran to change without anyone dying

there isnt, and to be honest I dont think that would ever be a point of contention .. fact interventionism is what led to the ayatollahs ruling in the first place

iranians just like iraqis are expendable, in fact much more so because iran will put up a fight
Meh, Iran have a law system from the middle ages. Thats the only thing that needs changing.

Oh, and the oppresion of women, gays, and generally people who happen to be different than what the insane islmaic theocracy ruling at this point happens to be.
Unless Iran is on the brink of revolution anyway (it's not), regime change is inevitably going to result in either big problems with the locals, or an incredibly repressive new government, or both (but hey at least it'll be repressive along secular western lines amirite?).

While not everything's peachy, I don't think our pal Mahmoud is as unpopular over there now as Saddam was in Iraq.

The US might win a war over nuclear power but how the hell would it pull off successful regime change?
But... :(

I have to rethink my identity, Iranians don't think I'm Iranian. The French see me as a second class citizen. And to the Americans, I'm an Arab. So what does that make me?
But... :(

I have to rethink my identity, Iranians don't think I'm Iranian. The French see me as a second class citizen. And to the Americans, I'm an Arab. So what does that make me?

a citizen of the world? come to canada, you'll blend in least in toronto you will
But... :(

I have to rethink my identity, Iranians don't think I'm Iranian. The French see me as a second class citizen. And to the Americans, I'm an Arab. So what does that make me?

Come to Sweden! We're only liable to take offense with two out of those three.
Gunner said:
But... :(

I have to rethink my identity, Iranians don't think I'm Iranian. The French see me as a second class citizen. And to the Americans, I'm an Arab. So what does that make me?
I dunno, you tell me, who are you?
Will the credit crunch forestall a war?

I preferred Saddam to the Ayatollahs. The Ayatollahs are deeply religious, whereas Saddam was merely mad with power. Mad as a brush in fact.
PortalStormzzzz said:
Iraq never said they would kill the jews or make nukes, Iran did. end of story.
*smiles at Portalstormzzzz and nods head* yes honey, you're right, you've always been right. You're so special, you know that? Now go watch television.
Ah, a fellow conspiracy guy? Well, I personally see the history of Iran. They were a free democracy, and then got taken over. And now they're run by a guy who has repeatedly said anti-everything speeches. From the Jews to democracy. SO, you know, it's just the burden of what you've said for so long. Though, Iran is no threat I think. They are just bullies b ad mouthing a bigger guy by 100 fold.

Question: most of you are atheists. How come you hate religion so much (stern) and yet, do not want to bring down a theocracy? Now, I don't mean military bring down. An assassin's bullet is just as good.
Ah, a fellow conspiracy guy? Well, I personally see the history of Iran. They were a free democracy, and then got taken over. And now they're run by a guy who has repeatedly said anti-everything speeches. From the Jews to democracy. SO, you know, it's just the burden of what you've said for so long. Though, Iran is no threat I think. They are just bullies b ad mouthing a bigger guy by 100 fold.

Question: most of you are atheists. How come you hate religion so much (stern) and yet, do not want to bring down a theocracy? Now, I don't mean military bring down. An assassin's bullet is just as good.

Because what makes us atheists is that we dont want to go kill hundreds of thousands of people because we dont like them. Seriously, have people like you not learned a ****ing thing from Iraq? I could understand being that naive if Iraq never occured, but to be that naive after such a big **** up only 5 years later?
it was only a matter of time before the lefties put the anti bush spin on this.
Portalstormzzzz said:
Ah, a fellow conspiracy guy? Well, I personally see the history of Iran. They were a free democracy, and then got taken over. And now they're run by a guy who has repeatedly said anti-everything speeches. From the Jews to democracy. SO, you know, it's just the burden of what you've said for so long. Though, Iran is no threat I think. They are just bullies b ad mouthing a bigger guy by 100 fold.

Question: most of you are atheists. How come you hate religion so much (stern) and yet, do not want to bring down a theocracy? Now, I don't mean military bring down. An assassin's bullet is just as good.
*smiles at Portalstormzzzz and nods head, again*

You know what, I just figured,
/ The queen is too old and I think this whole system in the UK is wrong, so let's bring down the system and put a new one into work.
I also hate Bush cuz he's stupid, so let's go have a war on america, and make sure they don't have nukes anymore.
I think the french president is a mofo cause he divorced from his wife, so let's go kill him, and bring down the system, cause it's really bad, it has a hard on for foreigners.
I think the Chancellor of Germany is a whore, and since I don't like whores, and simply because I say so, let's go kill her and also change the whole system in germany cause it's car industry is too powerful and that's a threat for the world's economy. /

You know what Portalstormzzzz, let's put a bullet in the head of everyone we don't like, that might work.
I feel like I'm talking to a 9 year old with a toy gun in it's hand that wants to kill everyone.
it was only a matter of time before the lefties put the anti bush spin on this.

? ..anti bush? he's been screaming bloody murder about WMD and iran regardless of the facts supported it or not for years now ..seriously did some of you just wake up from a coma?

and Portalstorm's almost as if you read a brief synopsis off the back of a cracker jack box written by someone who spent the entire war stuck in a bomb shelter somewhere in backwoods idaho run by uber-conservatives suffering from a "omg the sky is falling" complex ..either that or you just skimmed through the cliffs notes version of the war and skipped every other page

I think some of you are purposely trying to give me an ulcer, no really it's an affront to the brain of rational people
There's a big difference between wanting to kill millions of people and actually doing it.

By the way, I want to high-five whoever wrote that report.
Well, I can't say i know Iran by heart. I know Iraq was for the oil and the war is bullshit. Iran, well, you have to look at motivation and background story. For instance, Iran is Persia. Now, the brs owned the whole of that area in pre-ww2, and essentially, the screwed up big time post-war. They made artifical nations over ancient ones and left. Today, we stll feel these pains. Persians feel land ownership over Iraq. It is part of their old nation. And if WW2/WW1 has taught us anything, it's that a nation will seek its lost lands until someone forces them to stop (Germans to Poland, etc). So, Iran has oil, and they can wield that power. Their gov wants to remake the Persian Empire and restore his people to their former glory. I can't blame the man for that. It's the means to which he wants to get there that I can.(making deals with North Korea and Syria to get nuclear warhead tech, that mysterious North Korean vessel in Syria, etc.)

So, until further details are allowed, I am 60% for removing the gov, and 40% not sure. YOu look at you tube, and you see these feminist Persians who go into hiding so they can live veil-free. At the same time, you see that men and women are beginning to be treated as equals. I feel we simply allow the next generation of Persians handle it and blockade Iran from getting people and things into Syria and Iraq. Things should solve themselves it think.

I'm all for killing off the gov and letting the Persians build their gov as they please. I am 100% against military actions though.