Like Starcraft or Starship Troopers? I need a mod team!



"This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
Make him a member of the gentry, even if he is a commoner.
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."
~William Shakespeare, Henry V

In a futuristic universe, there is a planet called Chalice. Chalice is a war torn planet, a frequent site of many of the battles that rage between the ferocious alien invaders named Xenos by the Triumvirate. Join in the story of one space marine stationed on Chalice, and fight side by side with the best of the best in an all out war.

My currently unnamed mod centers around the story of a lowly private in the Triumvurate Planetary Marines. If youve ever played Warhammer:40,000 or StarCraft, you may be familiar with the kind of marine they are. Space Soldiers in massive heavy combat suits with overpowered weaponry, fighting a force too terrifying in numbers for any estimate.

Why would you want to work on this mod more then another? Because alot of revolutionary concepts will be worked into the single player campaign that will give this mod a completely unique, yet simple for the casual gamer to grasp.

The biggest change to HL2 would be the implementation of a total overhaul of the squad system. Players will be able to command a force of up to 8 Planetary Marines as the story progresses. The player will be able to give an incredible number of commands, including:

-Supressive Fire: The soldier will focus his fire on wherever the cursor is pointed, not at any particular soldier but will continue firing until their are no enemies in his LOS. When a new enemy appears in his LOS, he will open fire again until it either returns to cover or dies.
-Draw Fire: Selected soldiers will open fire on a unit with the expressed purpose of drawing it away from anyone else. The targeted unit or area will regard any person attempting to draw their fire with twice as much threat value as any other unit attacking it.
-Flank Left (stealth): Selected units will move up the left flank of the targeted unit,area, or building. They will keep their focus on the target, and will attempt to avoid engaging the targets until in positioned on its left flank.
-Flank Left (tactical): Units will move up the left flank of the targeted unit, area, or building. They will take constant potshots, and keep as much pressure on the target as they can.
-Flank Right (stealth): As Flank Left (stealth), but on the opposing side.
-Flank Right (tactical): As Flank Left (tactical), but on the opposing side.
-Attack: If the cursor is pointed at an enemy, the selected unit(s) focus their fire on one unit, but will divert their fire if they come under attack by another unit. If the cursor is pointed at an area on the ground, then the selected unit(s) will move to that position, engaging any enemies on the way.
-Defend: If pointed at a friendly, selected units will follow and kill any unit that attempts to engage the protectee. Morale will be explained later. If the cursor is pointed at an area, you select a formation for them to fall into and they will hold position around the area until you give them another order.
-Move: Units will move to the cursor. If they encounter enemies, they will ignore them unless they come under attack.
-Regroup: Simply, orders all members of your squad to assemble on your position.
-Fall Back:Which ever direction the unit or formation is facing, they will take several steps backward. If the command is issued twice, they will go into a retreat and move backward until you give the order to stop or they cannot go back any more.

Many other concepts will be introduced.

Threat Rating: Enemies will classify you according to threat level. For example, if you run into a room screaming "AHHHHH MOTHERLAND" and open fire on everyone with a heavy gauss rifle, you would probably have a higher threat rating then a scientist cowering in the corner.

Formations: When you give your squad an order, you can also give them a formation. The formation enables them to act as a single unit, moving together and fighting together in a given shape.

Morale: All members of your squad have a morale rating. The rating is determined by many things, most importantly, the number of enemies within their "danger zone", the power of the enemies in their danger zone, the weapon they have equipped and how much ammo they have left,

Prone: Yes, you will be able to go prone in my mod. It will decrease your threat rating and allow you to be more accurate with most weaponry.

Inventory: You will have an inventory screen, where you can hold a certain number of weapons and ammo (a la Diablo, Dungeon Siege). Their will be many kinds of weapons, armors, grenades, and misc. items to find in the course of the singleplayer campaign.

Multiplayer: None is currently planned, but if i get a mod team dedicated enough I'm sure we could take many of these concepts into the multiplayer arena with much success.

We currently are in desperate need of people. At the time of this writing, I have noone except a concept artist who has been to lazy to give me anything lol. Open positions include Concept Artists, Mappers, Modelers (really need modelers), Texture Designers, Someone who can design the interfaces we need, and someone who can code alot of the AI scripts that we will need in order to implement the team system. If all goes well, we could be able to isolate the Source code for our team interface and AI and be able to port it to other mods who could use it in their own games.

To contact me, send an email to [email protected], NukescanBDCVing on AIM ( im on most of the time), or [email protected] on MSN Messenger. This is all also available in my profile.

Im VERY open to new ideas. Im very interested to see what people think of my mod, and how to make it better. I'm willing to provide alot of direction and guidance to anyone who wants to be on board, but i'll give you alot of wiggling room to put your own ideas into it.

Lend a hand! :sniper: