

The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score

Game seems awesome: official website/teaser

If the game play is anywhere near as incredible as the art style, I'll hit that ten ways side ways.

>>more info<< said:
Limbo has recently received a healthy grant from the Danish government in order to continue the development of the game.

I lol'd. Scandinavian countries have more money than they know what to do with.
Looks superb. Made me think of Ico even though the aesthetic isn't the least bit similar.
LIMBO in “Summer of Arcade”.

LIMBO has today been announced to be part of the biggest XBLA promotion of the year “Summer of Arcade”. Summer of Arcade runs for five weeks, and will kick off in July. Price will be 1200 points.

Stay tuned for a release date.
I think this means it could be released as early as next month, but could launch in August.
Reminds me of Braid (without the time travel bit) except you can push things around and climb on ropes and stuff?

But if it's anything like Braid, I'll probably play it. Could use some more short puzzle games that I actually have time to play.
On further thought, I wish they'd show actual gameplay rather than running/jumping around. I honestly had to look it up on wikipedia to figure out that it was actually a puzzle game rather than just a platformer, because neither the video nor the website say anything about what you do in the game.

If it's just a typical pull-the-lever, run-here, avoid-this, run-back-over-there type of game, then it'd get boring regardless of how pretty it is. At least Braid had really cool and somewhat difficult puzzles which helped keep it interesting.

I don't think the art style's that good and there doesn't seem to be any redeeming gameplay.
It is a puzzle platformer. Yes there are puzzles and platforms galore. Also gruesome and hilarious deaths x 1,000.

I personally think this is the most promising platform game in a decade or more and almost a system seller. Which is saying a lot since it's a budget "Arcade" game.

I mean come on, they're showing the beginning of the game, where you are learning the ropes. They aren't going to show you how to solve the difficult puzzles and challenges.

An older video, but watch:
Perhaps I've just been spoiled by really excellent indie games.
Virus's video was a tiny bit better in that you can kinda start to see how the puzzles would work. But I'll have to wait on reviews or a demo. Basically I'm just looking for puzzles that are (a) challenging, and (b) logical. I feel like most puzzle games satisfy only one or neither, e.g. -- puzzles that make sense but don't change anything up, thus failing to be challenging; puzzles that are only challenging because they require impeccable timing; or (absolute worse) those games where you sit around tediously trying different random combinations of things that make no logical sense except to the game designer.

I do remember the Braid trailer not showing much gameplay but I tried out the demo and read one very good review (thankfully spoiler-free), which got me to buy the game. Hopefully this game will be good also.
Perhaps I've just been spoiled by really excellent indie games.
You think this is bad, or are those games you refer to that good? Because if you know of some games better than this, let me know. I haven't seen anything good at all.
Well as far as platforming, not so much. You've undoubtedly heard of Braid and Trine, but other gems out there include:

World of Goo
Osmos (I recall you're a fan of Asteroids :p)
Lost Winds 1 & 2 (for Wii and those actually are platforming, I'm selling myself short)

My memory seems to be failing me. It tends to do that at 2 am. I'd probably take all 7 of those over this. Seems to be pretty standard platforming, not so interesting puzzles, and a dull art direction (I'm sure some people like it, but shadows get old after a time). I'm sure they'll show better parts as time goes on, but I don't see myself falling in love with this.
Well as far as platforming, not so much. You've undoubtedly heard of Braid and Trine, but other gems out there include:

World of Goo
Osmos (I recall you're a fan of Asteroids :p)
Lost Winds 1 & 2 (for Wii and those actually are platforming, I'm selling myself short)

My memory seems to be failing me. It tends to do that at 2 am. I'd probably take all 7 of those over this. Seems to be pretty standard platforming, not so interesting puzzles, and a dull art direction (I'm sure some people like it, but shadows get old after a time). I'm sure they'll show better parts as time goes on, but I don't see myself falling in love with this.

I don't have steam installed right now but may check out Braid and Trine at a later date. I expect I will want to install steam eventually since that's the only way to play games like Beat Hazard.

I'll take a look at Osmos.

I have World of Goo. I played a few levels and don't really like it so far. I'll give it a chance when I get some time.

I'm actually not a fan of platformers at all, so if you have any good indie games to recommend, don't let that be a limitation of your recommendations. You can PM me if you think of something later.

I'm not sure what I like so much about this game Limbo. I like the look of it, and the animation is amazing. The puzzles seem amusing and the deaths are really funny.
Oh yeah, Beat Hazard. Shit's fun, as I'm sure you know. Yeah, Limbo seems to have a good sense of humor most other small games lack. Doesn't redeem it for me though.
I hope this is coming to PC, preferably on Steam. Otherwise I probably won't be playing it, which I really hope won't be the case.
So has anyone with a 360 gotten this yet? Impressions??

I hope this is coming to PC, preferably on Steam. Otherwise I probably won't be playing it, which I really hope won't be the case.
They have recently said that a PC or PS3 will not happen "this time around," but I have to think that this will at least be released on PC at some point in the not-too-distant future. It would incredibly stupid of them to not release on other platforms (assuming they can't all retire on what MS paid them for this "exclusivity"). Anyway, it seems way too aesthetically pleasing for the normal XBL crowd. It would be the perfect game for a PC download direct from their site for like $10-$20. Oh well, they will live and learn from their mistake!!
I hope this is coming to PC, preferably on Steam. Otherwise I probably won't be playing it, which I really hope won't be the case.
This, I really hope that they make a pc port as this gem is so shiny.
its not out yet for another couple days i think
Ah, yeah. The 21st apparently. I don't know why I thought it was last week. I guess reading the good reviews so far had me thinking it was out. ****ing early review copies for asshole gaming "journalists." :angry:*

*Thats just jealousy, not really hatred. ;)
Three hours? Christ, interest gone. Maybe at 800 points I'd be tempted.
It's an arcade game, though. But I agree that $10 should be max, especially for a digital copy.

I do want this for the PC...
Meh, Portal wasn't much longer than that, Ico maybe 6 hours, but still two of my favourite games. Not saying that this is as good as either of them, but the brevity wouldn't turn me off if it was to show up on PC for around a tenner.
Meh, people bitched about Braid's price but they moved on eventually.

It's going to be a fun game nonetheless.
it is, it has a 92 at metacritic

making it the highest 360 exclusive this year....what that says about limbo or the 360 i'll let you decide :P
Looks interesting. I'd get it if it was also on PSN. I would obviously never buy an entire console for it though.
Well nearly a year after I start this thread, it seems that everyone's wishes are coming true: first news of a PC release, then news of a PSN release as well. I can't wait to try this out. This was one of the only 360 exclusives I have cared about in YEARS!!

PlayDead Studios made a huge splash into the Xbox Live Arcade last year with LIMBO, their creepy puzzle platformer that, at least based on Leaderboard statistics, has had over 750,000 players give the game a shot. Now the game plans to expand to another platform -- the PlayStation Network.

The news comes from a rating on the Korean Rating Board, citing that Sony Computer Entertainment Korea has rated the game.

I would very much like to play the game the whole way through, considering I loved the trial