Linda Norgrove...


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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British aid worker Linda Norgrove may have been accidentally killed by US forces during a rescue mission in Afghanistan, David Cameron has said.

International forces originally said she died on Friday when one of her captors detonated a suicide vest.

But the prime minister said new details had come to light suggesting her death may have resulted from a US grenade.

So this is the British Aid worker that was kidnapped in Afghanistan and died during a American led "rescue attempt"... To start with they blamed one of the insurgents of detonating some kind of vest which killed her, it now turns out that the Americans used FRAG grenades.... How ****ing retarded do you have to be to use FRAG grenades in a rescue attempt? Its rediculous.

Another great example of the heavy hand approach of the American military and yet another case of Friendly Fire. Funny how you never hear of any other cases of Friendly Fire by any of the other nations involved in these wars.

Why on earth did they not draft in the SAS or some other British lead team? If they had there is a good chance she would still be alive.
It is not just the Americans. According to a book about the ISAF-mission and other Western activities in Afghanistan I recently read, the Brits and Ozzies also have a name of being quite aggressive. Heck, even us Dutch have done some stupid things over there. In one incident a Dutch howitzer opened fire on a target some 35 kilometers away, without even having a forward spotter. Since the Taliban it was 'aiming' at were hiding in a village, quite a few civilians got killed.
Yep only American armed forces kill people accidentally.
heh, I'm not saying no one else does. But no one else is quite as heavy handed nor do it so often.

I mean.... FRAG nades at a hostage rescue..
Stormy, no-one here knows the details of the situation.

It's very easy to imagine a certain hostage rescue scenario where the rescuers might have to use a grenade. Maybe their weapons jammed and so they dropped a grenade between them and the enemy to keep them away whilst they withdrew or whatever.

We don't know what happened but to sit at home and criticise after hearing a little information isn't being fair to the situation.

Oh and yeah sure, bring in the SAS, they've never been heavy handed, not like they've shot UK children or anything.
According to William Hague today in the Commons, the Special Forces successfully 'shielded 10 women and children' during the rescue. He said something like that. I wonder how many Special Forces were actually involved on the ground at the site where Norgrove was.

The risk involved must be insane. Once they are spotted, the insurgents would try and kill her as quickly as they could (I presume).