

Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
well, i'm one of the apparent few people in these forums who haven't pre-ordered hl2 yet, and i was wondering if the release would be as big as lets say the release of a new console, where it was practically impossible to get the game directly from a store after about a week after original release, would i have to camp outside of wal-mart to get my copy or what?
probably not. most people i talk to dont even know about hl2. its only popular amongst the hardcore gamer...which will eventually leak out to the noobs when it hits stores. we shouldnt have a problem getting it though.
Haha, you can just order it online. Pre-ordering is good...

But if you want to get it at a store, go to the store's site and check the availability before you go out.
Sephiroth98743 said:
probably not. most people i talk to dont even know about hl2. its only popular amongst the hardcore gamer...which will eventually leak out to the noobs when it hits stores. we shouldnt have a problem getting it though.

Yah, I only heard about, I heard about HL when a guy sent me the Platinum pack because I made him a CS server website. :D

And the rest was history.
I'm only going to pre-order once the stupid online stores get proper products listed. Cant tell if i'm ordering the basic, special, or extended version or whatever they are called.
you guys are probably right on it not being really a mainstream accepted game yet, but the thing that worries me is counter-strike, well all the hard core vet players got the game when it was still a mod, and since there are a ton of cs players in the world they might want to get the game early so they can get all the new mods as soon as they come out, and i know i'd want to get the game the day it ships retail, and i would have preordered the game right now if not for the same reason as raziaar's
believe me i play cs daily, every server i go on noone knows what hl2 stands for.....
I've got my key and steam all ready to go. No lines for me.
Sai said:
...there are a ton of cs players in the world they might want to get the game early so they can get all the new mods as soon as they come out...

Yeah all those mods that will be released 3 hours after the game comes out :rolleyes:
iamaelephant said:
Yeah all those mods that will be released 3 hours after the game comes out :rolleyes:

sarcastic or not, someone will have a mod out in 3 hours of release. a stupid mod, but just to say "this is the first ever released hl2 mod"
do you guys know if new egg would sell it for a lower price than the standard retail when the game comes out?
SubKamran said:
Haha, you can just order it online. Pre-ordering is good...

But if you want to get it at a store, go to the store's site and check the availability before you go out.

I have preordered a few games only to be burned each and every time. My pre-order shipment only arrived a few days after the games were available at EB...and EB usually had them for the same if not less than the pre-order price even!
Sephiroth98743 said:
ew....steam.....lazy basssstid.

that lazy bastid is going to get hl2 before the people who get it at stores :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: . well 90% sure anyway
Im glad that hl2 is only know to hardcore gamers...I live in a hick town so it shouldnt be hard to get a copy. :burp: Im suprised to hear that cs players dont know what it is...thats just crazy. I bet when CS: S comes out there will be an outroar from them about not hearing anything about it until then.
Lol, leathal8472.

I think downloading via steam will take longer than just buying in a store. The game will be like 4 gigs big since there will be a dvd edition.

I think I will make sure that the store I'm going to will have it asap.
i expect some stores to sell out within the first few days (guys at the game store think so too). but after all the magazines and online news sites start talking about how great it is and how it is game of the year (not too far of a stretch here) the sales will climb. i also expect to see huge numbers of sales after a year or so as mods start popping up.
I expect to see tents lined out outside games stores...

Then I'll wake up and drive to the store, pick up the game, drive home and just drool for a month.
The moral of the story? Probably not going to be too hard in some places to get it on the first day (I Hope)
Sai said:
well, i'm one of the apparent few people in these forums who haven't pre-ordered hl2 yet, and i was wondering if the release would be as big as lets say the release of a new console, where it was practically impossible to get the game directly from a store after about a week after original release, would i have to camp outside of wal-mart to get my copy or what?

i say it all depends on where u live...

here in Toronto (especially downtown) i remember twice in particular when i did not bother pre-ordering a game and went to the local gaming store on the morning of the release only to be disappointed because the store had alot of pre-orders.. and the few copies that were not pre-ordered were already taken by gamers present at the store before i was.

anyway after learning my lessons... i do pre-order now.. and if i have any doubts, i talk to the salesperson about pricing, Collectors Editions/Specials and make sure i have the option of choosing which version of the game i want when i go to pick it up. :)
How much do you have to usually pay to pre-order?

I wasn't going to but now I'm starting to be convinced.
(I REALLY don't wan't to miss the game I've been waiting for for over a year)
Hazar Dakiri said:
How much do you have to usually pay to pre-order?

I wasn't going to but now I'm starting to be convinced.
(I REALLY don't wan't to miss the game I've been waiting for for over a year)

well all i had to put down was $5 dollars.. so it might be the same for u.. but haven't heard any store asking for a full deposit price considering nobody knows anything about pricing right now.
Do the stores just reserve a copy of anyone you want? And did you have to tell them which edition you wanted?

Like if you wanted the 'g-man edition' with him on the front, but unless you told them that when you pre-ordered they would have to hold all three.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Lol, leathal8472.

I think downloading via steam will take longer than just buying in a store. The game will be like 4 gigs big since there will be a dvd edition.

I think I will make sure that the store I'm going to will have it asap.

it would be unwise of valve to make hl2 available on steam the same day as on shelves. if they want to take off the initial load of the rush, they will let people pre-load it. shortly after it goes gold, i BET that it will be up on steam for pre-load.
Yeah, if I were valve I would let it preload for a week, and make it known that I was going to unlock it on steam the day before it came out in stores. But then I am an evil profiteer.
Living in NZ, we don't usually get games until a few days/weeks after they are released overseas (Diablo 2 and the xpack were about 5-6 days behind IIRC). But I work at a discount store (along the lines of wal-mart) where I get 15% off all products (with some exceptions).

But they don't usually get new games in for about a month or so after computer/games stores. So I think I'm probably just going to pirate it to play single player until my store gets it (I will ask the guy in entertainment to put a copy on hold for me as soon as it arrives) and I can buy it with the discount - games are usually $100-$110 here, so that's a good $15.

Moral of the story - work at a games store and you'll get a copy as soon as it hits the shelves, if not a couple of days before :)
Hazar Dakiri said:
Do the stores just reserve a copy of anyone you want? And did you have to tell them which edition you wanted?

Like if you wanted the 'g-man edition' with him on the front, but unless you told them that when you pre-ordered they would have to hold all three.

just curious.. where do u live?
if i were u, i'd go to the local gaming store and talk to a salesperson before pre-ordering anything and understand their policies on pre-orders.

just ask them about which version u would get for pre-ordering.. and how much u may have to deposit with them for a Collectors Edition and so forth.

for me it was simple.. they know i want the Collectors Edition and if its not available, then the SP + MP version of the game.
I will reserve a copy 1 week before release in my local store.

then 1 week later ill be waiting outside for said store to open.

Ive never seen a line for a game or a game that sold out on day one, apart from one of those very shadowey games that no1 expects to sell realy well but gets massive respect in reviews and people go grab a copy.

Like Shogun Total War.

it was only supposed to sell 200,000 copies worldwide and its now sold several million.
i am waiting for it to go gold then i am ordering it from a local store, that way i know i'll get the damn thing and i shall be able to get the right version of it.

The fact it will cost £40 worries me not.
Yeah I'm not really worried about the shops going out of stock on the first day, but I'm worried about availability. I'm not sure that they'll have 'em here on the first day, or even the first week. That's why I'll probably have to buy it through steam which isn't really what I want... I want the box, even if it's a dvd-size box.
the box is the definate reason why i'm not even bothering with steam, it's just a better feeling all around
There must not be any PC gamers in my neck of the woods. On release day I've never had a problem getting any game from one of the many stores around me ever.
Dr. Freeman, Look to the right of my name. To be more specific, a small town. :)

I'll have to go look at preordering policies.