Link to my Begginer tutorial HERE

  • Thread starter Thread starter woodbulb
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Good job!!!
we need more of these in this community!!!
Yeah, kudos for the tutorial! I'll be reading it shortly. I'm trying to build a replica of my house in Hammer. If that goes well I'll continue with my neighbor's house. Hopefully after a while I can run around my neighborhood kiling everyone. Yay! :P
Its Wednesday I'm off from school, so before I got play mass halo 2 I'm gonna start Chapter 3/4. If you have any requests for anything I haven't gone over (including what I will go over in chapter 3/4) plz post it and I'll add it into Chapter 3/4.
I haven't had a chance to look over what you have already, but if you could include a full and complete lighting tutorial, I will sing praises of your name to my grandchildren's children.
K I'll add stuff about light and its features, Light_spot, and light_environment in chapters 3/4
Thanks a ton bulb,

HL editing is new to me, so this tut is really helpfull to get the basics down. I highly encourage you to continue. Id like to request how to get multiple textures onto a single piece of geometry.
Lets say you have a wall, and want several textures on it at varying heights. Do I have to build several walls and stack them? Or is there a way to do it with one contiguous wall.
dont forget that when you compile the map, make sure to set everything to normal, the default settings have soem that say "no" which keeps your lights from being added to the final BSP, it took me like a half an hour to figure this out just now
Oh sorry, I'll include the small compiling part at the end as a full area to help people notice it, it shows you all the stuff for compiling.
I downloaded it earlier tonight and read through a little of it. Haven't tried it yet, but I just wanted to say thanks a lot. I would write one myself if I knew anything about it yet, heh. Community can be a good thing. :thumbs:
Wonderful tutorial, learned a lot from it, can't wait 'till the next chapters!