Linkin Park in Anime films


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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In nearly all anime fan-made films I have seen, they all have some repetative Linkin Park song going on in the background. Why the **** do they do that? The lyrics don't fit (Unless calling the god of soil has something to do with 'having no respect in your eyes' :|)

If someone could explain this? It is kinda getting annoying now.
Its just like dogs and bones, monkeys and bananas, they are ment to go together. :laugh:
Havent seen any fan-made anime films. So this should be considered spam.
It's just a rant/question. What I mean is how people show clips of an anime show but put Linkin Park in the background of it.
Well I've seen a Ninja Scrolls fan movie that uses a CoF song (well, technically an Iron Maiden song sang by CoF).
what is that linkin park thing?

whats it sound like?
They associate themselves with anime a bit, and everyone just follows on? *shrugs* Lack of creativity and inventiveness.
I don't like Linkin Park.

Maybe because Anime and Linkin Park are both trash, so they go together well.
Dalamari said:
Maybe because Anime and Linkin Park are both trash, so they go together well.

Lindsay Lohan and I are both hawt, can we go together?? :D
SimonomiS said:
Lindsay Lohan and I are both hawt, can we go together?? :D

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it's a fact that Linkin Park is trash.
There are millions of Anime Music videos, surely you can find one without Linkin Park?
Danimal said:
In nearly all anime fan-made films I have seen, they all have some repetative Linkin Park song going on in the background. Why the **** do they do that? The lyrics don't fit (Unless calling the god of soil has something to do with 'having no respect in your eyes' :|)

If someone could explain this? It is kinda getting annoying now.
A lot of anime fans are annoying 13 year olds. Sorry to be ageist, but I am.

I'm an anime fan, but i'm lazy so I don't make videos and the like.
I am an anime fan myself, I just fail to see how Linkin Park are relavent to the videos.
I did once, and some guy piloted a mech and killed a giant stingray.

When I mean fan, I don't mean "I've watched EVERY SINGLE show on Earth" I just mean I enjoy watching them. The only I got serious about was Trigun and Orphan.
Trigun was cool, that guy with pointy hair looks kinda funny, tho (cant remember his name)
Isn't Linkin Park the band that had anime style animation in their music video?
CREMATOR666 said:
Trigun was cool, that guy with pointy hair looks kinda funny, tho (cant remember his name)

Vash The Stampede.
Linkin Park is one of my favourite bands. They like anime. They have an anime video, Reanimation's cover art is anime and there are Gundam Wing dolls in one of their videos.
vegeta897 said:
Isn't Linkin Park the band that had anime style animation in their music video?
Yes, they had an anime style music video for one of thier songs recently.

Oh, and Linkin Park rocks.
Linking parks songs, the song itself, not the lyrics, go VERY well with anime videos people have made, especially Dragon Ball Z videos, its a fact. And Linkin Park does rock, get over it.
Deadline said:
Linking parks songs, the song itself, not the lyrics, go VERY well with anime videos people have made, especially Dragon Ball Z videos, its a fact. And Linkin Park does rock, get over it.

Linkin Park rocks. Anime rocks.

I haven't seen any Anime with Linkin Park doing the tracks so I can't say if its a good combination or not...
They aren't all accompanied with LP, I've seen a few with Blink 182 :)

Seriously though, try to find a DBZ MV with the Fight Club song accompanying it. The "you are not your ****ing khakis" one. Really old, saw'd it like years ago when I was still into that shtuffs. Won some contest, it's friggin grand :thumbs:
I only watch one type of Anime, the pornographic version...
the video for one of there songs, I forget which one, was done by an extremely famous anime studio. Anyways they are both cool, but together whatever
Yea, it's fine when it is a music video for thier band, it is just wierd how when people make thier own ones as a fan-based promortional video, they use Linkin Park... It only confuses me because of how most of the lyrics are irrelavent.
A very small percent of the AMV's (Anime Music Videos) I've seen in my years has had Linkin' Park in them... and I've been watching/creating AMVs for about 6 years now.

I've seen a few to Linkin Park that fit quite well though.
Seriously though, try to find a DBZ MV with the Fight Club song accompanying it. The "you are not your ****ing khakis" one. Really old, saw'd it like years ago when I was still into that shtuffs. Won some contest, it's friggin grand
Best DBZ AMV ever.
Datrix said:
Its just like dogs and bones, monkeys and bananas, they are ment to go together. :laugh:

Why wont my monkey touch my banana then?

hahaha, thats dirty

*Runs away*

P.S Linkin Park is the SuX0rZ!!111!one