Link's Crossbow Training

Bah humbug to you!

It's a bundled shoot the balloons/monster game. Duck Hunt in Zelda settings.

You won't be buying the 'useless Zapper' just for this either. Nubbin.
Yeah, I saw this and thought how frickin fun it looks! I can't wait for the zapper and this mini-title!! I really don't like some of these Nintendo vids for their peripherals though, like with my grandpa using the zapper to kill Tektites and Leevers!! I get it though, some of themse old folks may want to do more than bowl or brain train with their Wiis and that can only be a good thing.

I don't really like light gun-style games, and I don't know if I'll be buying anything that actually supports the Zapper.
Its not really a light-gun I dont think--its just a holster for the wii-mote and nunchuck. That is the genius of the the wii-mote! :)
Aye, the vids are rubbish :)

Try searching for 'Castle Target' on the same site - it's one of the games in Crossbow Training and looks really chilled.