

Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
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What is the best Linux to use? I want the best looking and easiest to learn Linux. I am new to the whole Linux scene, but I have always wanted to try Linux out. Can you also tell me how to install Linux on a HDD that also has Windows, or you can link me to a site that tells a person how to install 'Nix.
I know OF Red Hat, Cedega, and SuSE. Like I said know OF, I know nothing about them. I just heard about them.

Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate your help.
Cant help you, but Im interested in Linux also.
How do you pronounce "Linux"?
I know some linux but freebsd is the best, but for my server though im using RedHat 9 Linux. :) UPDATE: You must find a website to download linux but linux redhat 9 i know is free. Linux can run in command prompt mode or gui that is like windows.
If you just want to experiment with Linux, the best way is to just download Knoppix to a CD and run it from the CD (it acts as a boot CD so it doesnt touch your hard-drive, but it is a fully functional version of Linux with great hardware support).

If you like it, you can get mandrake or suse or something like.

Linux is correctly pronounced 'Lin-Uxx' by most people.
SuSe and Fedora (the non-comercial version of Redhat) are very easy to use, and install next to windows cleanly :)

Good luck :)
get Fedore Core 3, it worked straight away. no sound problems, and internet was a breeze.
for the DVD iso file, you can get it off the bit torrent too

i always pronounce it 'lye-nux'
but some weird guy from my school calls it 'leh-nux', and he also pronounces router 'ra-ooter' when here im sure its 'rooter'
I'd say the same as furiousV. I have Fedora Core 3 (Red Hat's brother) and it works like a charm. Easy to get, free, comes with alot of stuff (librairies, softwares).

I also agree on the 'rooter' pronounciation :)
I always pronounced router as 'rout-er'.

Thanks for the recommendations. I am going to try Fedora Core 3.

I will get back to you with the results.
Router is said how it looks. Routers route things so they are a Router.
I've always said lin-nux too. Dunno.
here route is pronounced 'root' so by just adding an 'r' on the end, its pronounced 'rooter'

we should start a new thread in the appropriate section on pronounciation ;)
Uhhh.. Where can I download Fedora Core 3?

The link you posted furiousV does not work.
Orional pronunciation of Linux has been confirmed as "lye-nux", after Linux creater Linus Torvalds (as in Lye-nus=Lye-nux - he named it that way), however, I among millions of others all over the world prefer "lin-ux" since it is much smoother over the tongue and just sounds cooler :cool:

SuSe is without a doubt the easiest way to get into Linux, however, it lacks many of the major packages and flexibility that a good Linux distribution should have. That's where FC3 picks up the slack. Watch for FC4 this summer!!! :cheers:
Thanks a lot gh0st. I appreciate it.

There are 4 cds? Thats just crazy. I have to download them all. :( Oh well, its not like I need Lin-Ux right now. :p go here for torrents, DVD only im afraid, so use if u got access to a DVD burner, and got a DVD ROM in ur PC
heidelberg-x86_64-DVD.torrent is the 64bit one u will need for a normal installation
Torvald says, Lean-ix

Search google for a recording of him saying it.