Listening to the PAKs.. through steam?

Jul 17, 2003
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Well, unfortunately when I redownloaded steam a couple months ago I chose the option for it to wipe out the version of HL already on my system, and just copy the files for it's steam cache (then update)

But now I was wanting to listen to the PAKs again.. and I can't figure out how to do it through the steam files. Is it possible? My HL disk got scratched and is now only good for it's music (won't install all the way, gets an error)

Anything I can do? If there's not a way to view them through steam, is there somewhere with the PAK file for download? (or at least some wavs from it?)
Have you checked the Steam website? I don't know myself, but that may help. Or email one of the Steam guys?
Anyone else better than me? :)
To get at all the game content, which used to be in the pak files, use GCFScape to get into their sucessors, the .gcf files.