Little punk


Aug 4, 2004
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Last week I enterd what we call here as year 11, im not sure which grade that is buts its the year when you turn 16. Anyway today on the bus going home me and my mate where sitting around, the bus was almost empty apart from some year eight's. My mate was sitting on the side of the seat so his legs where sticking out a little. Anyway some year eight guy who though he was 'aard deribtley walked into his legs. He's a wanna be Townie (redneck perhaps? somebody who talks all in slang and carries round knives), even though he goes to a really posh school.
He comes out with "Why dont you move your f*ck*ng legs"
Little son of a! He's eleven years old!
My mate "Why dont you walk the f*ck around" Imitating his Townie talk.
He was lucky, my friend is reasnoably placcid and he could have had it beaten out of him.
My mate stands up, half picks him up and throws him half the way down the bus. It was hillarious, the little guy was alright though.
What do these people expect, good god there anoying.
You should see the 4-year old immigrant kids around here, they throw rocks, sand and stuff at you and yell "F*cking swede!". :D
CrazyHarij said:
You should see the 4-year old immigrant kids around here, they throw rocks, sand and stuff at you and yell "F*cking swede!". :D

I have no sypathy for these people, find a bigge rock and throw that. Hard.
I hate it when kids see you walking towards them but deliberately barge you in the shoulder. I just shoulder barge them back and they fall over and get all upset. Another solution is to just grab them by the collar and shout at them then they are petrified. I remember when I was filming something for Media Studies and I walked past a P.E class..and some year 10 kid was mouthing off at me and tried to grab the camera from my neck so I picked him up by the collar and threw him against the fence of the Astro-turf and he was scared shitless. Teacher wasnt too impressed though.
hah thats awesome, you should just kill them, except for those four year olds, leave them alone, they cant help it, or something. heh i dunno why but ive never had trouble with smaller kids like that. must be cause i give off an aura of ass kicking. level 14, yeah, check it.
i remember some slightly older townies. On a geography field trip once me and this other guy were stood at a bridge talking when these guys drive past at like 90 miles per hour (in their suped up townie car obviously) and chuck one of those cream cakes at us, fortunately it missed me but it hit the wall and splattered this bloak's coat.
Sorta reminds me of the time my friend did a full out running jump kick into this kids back that threw an apple at him at lunch.

Extra funny because the teachers thought it had something to do with the "Drop kick Murphies" shirt he was wearing.

But it didn't. He just hated the kid.

Some how the dumbass kid didn't get really hurt. Since my friend kicked him right in the spine going really fast and then the kid hit the ground hard.
It is a shame that there is so much aggresion and stupidity in the youngsters of America, and the whole world for that matter, it is like they are all out trying to prove something, instead of being a kid and enjoying their childhood, WHICH ONLY COMES ONCE.
mirageacg said:
It is a shame that there is so much aggresion and stupidity in the youngsters of America, and the whole world for that matter, it is like they are all out trying to prove something, instead of being a kid and enjoying their childhood, WHICH ONLY COMES ONCE.
Yah I know what you mean. I have a few young kids on my street. There not really assholes but one time one of them saw me walking down the street and he purposely fell into a box and saw "AHhhh my balls" and starting laughing. This kid was like 6 or something.

I feel bad for the youth of America thinking there going to grow up to be rap stars and such. There going to be really dissappointed once they end up working in McDonalds because they thought it was cool to slack off at school.

I can think of several kids in my school and all they do is slack of because they think its cool. The sad part is that they're not getting jobs because there rich and just mooch off of their parents. Once they're on there own they're screwed.
You should come to France, 9 year old imigrants piking up on fights, of course they're allways with their cousins, broters etc etc.
Think of immature kids as unstable dogs, they basically sense fear. Or in this case a combination of fear and loathing. Try and give off a calm friendly aura and half of the little brats will leave you alone. For the other ones just shake off whatever they do to you, and proceed to do whatever may be neccessary to scare them. Or just smile and proceed to have fun insulting them in a comical way, it really annoys them.
Damn little kids... they aint got no respect for their elders these days!!!
Long time no see Bliink.

Yep, I can't wait for a revolution in European contrys before we become and imigrant Continent. Kids this days are crazy
Yeah over where I live you see little kids that are about 9 or 10 smoking and perhaps drinking..its crazy.
Yes I agree there are alot of crappy parents out there.
Oh yeah.

I was going home on the bus yesterday myself, but I got on late. Unfortunately, all the seats were gone due to the large amount of new phirsties trying the bus out, and it being a hot day. However, I knew the vice-Head would probably be round checking that everyone had a seat and throwing anyone off that hadn't. I ask some of the Phirsties at the front of the bus nicely...
"Hey, can you move over, you can fit three on a seat, please, or I'll get thrown off if you don't." I asked in a polite tone.
"**** off!" said the kid at the end in a damned squeeky voice.
"Yeah, **** off ya ****!" called his mate as I walked away.
Mantis forbid, that was ****ing mental. Luckily, the VH didn't come on, so I was fine, but for the rest of the journey, I had Year 8's shouting "Sit down!" because we did at them, last yearm when they were running round at the front, as it'd have been us that got in trouble for not supervising them if they got hurt.

Damned young'ins.
townies should be put in locked up factories like concentration camps, or shot on sight, they are a drain to society and make life difficult for all the good self-respecting people in the area. They are just lazy bums.
Thank god the finnish government has some sense and don't let ANYONE in our country like sweden.. that country is filled with somalians.. Don't get me wrong here, i'm not racist, ALOT if not most of em are really cool, hell without them we wouldn't have kebab's :P

But anyway, there are the very few annoying people.. In Finland immigrants are responsible for like half of the crimes here :/ and they get ALOT of money each month to support them, ffs they get more then the unemployd finns do!
Let me tell you the tale of The Gnome.

The Gnome is about three feet tall. The Gnome has the same amount of animosity in his three-foot-tall body as most well balanced six-foot-tall people do in theirs. Therefore said animosity must be terribly compressed and concentrated.

This causes The Gnome to do nasty things, like steal schoolbags and use them as soccer balls, bite people's thighs (or worse), kick people in the lower parts of the leg (the only areas he can reach), trip people up by crouching in their path or fool people into thinking he's a doorstop and then slamming doors in their faces (okay, so I made the last one up, but you can rest assured he'd do it if he was smart enough to think of it).

The Gnome made my last year at highschool rather interesting.
oldagerocker said:
townies should be put in locked up factories like concentration camps, or shot on sight, they are a drain to society and make life difficult for all the good self-respecting people in the area. They are just lazy bums.
Yeah they are bloody annoying, whats wrong with just being friendly and nice now and then?
Note to self - Shake bastard year 7's around by collar.

It has to be some kind of mass rebellion becuase my friends and I keep experiencing junors trying to attack us. It can't be just against certain types of people either I've asked these two guys I really hate about it and they agreed that and I quote

Those little bastards should be shot on sight

/edit haha this comic fits in nicley
Adrien C said:
You should come to France, 9 year old imigrants piking up on fights, of course they're allways with their cousins, broters etc etc.

thats because theiur gypsies

my story, in the 5th grade, i was a moniter for 1st graders

a black kid came up to me, spit at my shoe, missed, and said i couldnt do anything cause i was white and he was black. mind u i was in th 5th grade and he was in 1st. he ran, i caught him in 6 steps (i was tall then, im 6 ft 6 now), i grabbed him by the collar, shook him till he stopped trying to escape, then had to drag his ass to a dean, while he was screaming and try to break free.

it was funny how the next day his huge ass fater came by, and made him apologize right in front of me. his dad was right behind himm staring at him, as if he was going to kill him