LittleBigPlanet faces worldwide recall for quran references.


In before this becomes a politics thread.
Play testers should have seen that coming.. blame them
I guess there aren't many muslims involved in game design or playtesting.
Who the f0ck cares??? How uptight is this hideous world anyway?? :flame:

Wow. And Yahoo! shopping had this as one of the 30 best gifts for this holiday season. They should make consumers aware that more than a couple of those will offend you if you are too Muslim, Christian, Mexican, etc. What a shame!! :-\
There was this PS1 RPG (a Final Fantasy title?) that the same thing happened to; the final dungeon of the game had different music between the first and latter presses of the disc.

EDIT: Point being that the first edition of that game turned into an extremely valuable collector's item. I can see this happening here as well with the street date broken as much as it is.
There was this PS1 RPG (a Final Fantasy title?) that the same thing happened to; the final dungeon of the game had different music between the first and latter presses of the disc.

EDIT: Point being that the first edition of that game turned into an extremely valuable collector's item. I can see this happening here as well with the street date broken as much as it is.
Man, some kids have already posted pics of them with the disc in hand online too. I bet it will be more valuable now, eh?
This is why I am sick of how religion influences the media. And no offence but it always the quran in games that seems to cause bans and edits (like hitman 2). Never any of the other controversies with religon like christianity cause bans. Resistance wasn't banned when we had the manchester cathedral controversy. I am sick of how uptight this ****ing world is.

Oooh an obscure reference to a book avert your eyes!!! Forget the murders and violence in other games that **** has got nothing on those voices reading from a book! :O

EDIT: while i'm still on my soapbox this another example that is similar and is also quite shocking, despicable and ****ing ridiculous at how they treated that woman :flame:
obviously those in "charge of initiating such protests in in the name of islam" need a bullet to the head. i'm willing to bet that if those pesky fundies were taken care of, the world would be 30% better. and i'm pulling this numbers out of my don't bother.
Hmmmm..... All from a book of *Peace* huh?

1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').

EDIT: while i'm still on my soapbox this another example that is similar and is also quite shocking, despicable and ****ing ridiculous at how they treated that woman.

I just read the article you linked to. Had the teacher been within swinging distance, those protestors would not have given it a second thought to bury their blades into her body, thus ending her life. All because they named a teddy bear "Muhammad." We live in such an unjust world.

Wow.. just... Wow...

So wait a second here, are you trying to tell me that a religious book talks about death and destruction!?!? Stop the presses!!!
Hmmmm..... All from a book of *Peace* huh?

1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').
No surprise, all living things will die eventually.

I don't see how that proves your point, not that I'm disagreeing with your point, mind you.
Yet whenever the Bible is quoted in a game there's no threat of worldwide recall?
They must be afraid of those muslims.
Well, not bad. Official news is that it is shipping in NA the week of Oct. 27 and in the UK on the 31st now apparently. It's still messed up though.
This has to be one of the most pathetic things ive heard the media get all worked up about in ages.

I mean for ***K SAKE!
LittleBigPlanet has become the source of all my hopes and dreams. If they **** with this, I will do nothing at all. But boy will I think about doing stuff. I will think hard.
Religion deserves no special treatment.

This is the thoughtshield in effect.
I can't help but find it funny that we cover our asses for fear of offending the Muslims with an obscure reference in the background., yet the Catholics have to have massive protests to have a CHANCE of banning a game, and only when the entire movie is based around (usually) is based around defaming them (Davinci).
Probably cause Muslims are willing to kill people over it.
They want to kill us anyway.

In my opinion, this is certainly just a ploy to make world news. Free and prominent advertising.
I love how every preaches religious tolerance and 'coexistance' until their own religion comes into play.

and tbh honest i think the Islamic culture are the biggest hypocrites when it comes to this.

and who really cares? if anything i just find it cultural exposure.

. . . okay who am i kidding. IT'S RANDOM LYRICS IN A SONG FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

this is the dumbest thing i've seen all month.