Live-Action Star Wars TV Series Gearing Up To Shoot In The Land Down Under?


Jul 30, 2008
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Even though we still have our suspicions about the pace at which the much-rumored Star Wars live action TV series is getting made, rumors are popping up saying it may actually be sooner rather than later.

The possible heavy on the Fett series, which has been casting for the Rebel Alliance, is rumored to be in preproduction in Australia, right now.

Sci Fi Wire has the scoop from an Aussie site saying that:

The show is assembling high-quality writers from the Aussie TV industry, including writers from the Love My Way and Secret Life of Us, who have been approached by Lucas' longtime producer Rick McCallum.

So perhaps they may reach their 2010 air-date yet. The Jedi-free series covers what happens between Episode III and Episode IV — which means no Hayden, so it has that going for it. Should be interesting to see if people will have room in their hearts for new Star Wars characters.

So lucas isnt touching it and it doesnt have anybody from the prequels. Im still not getting my hopes up
I thought it was already said that the kid who played Boba would be coming back to play him again.
I'll be perfectly happy if he is not.
I've always said a Live action Star Wars TV show would be a sweet idea. its ok to have the kids animated series but this should be something to look into.
I've got my fingers crossed for 'Live-Action Star Wars TV Series!' as a title.
I am too weary, too jaded to believe this will be anything but crap. Although if George Lucas really doesn't have anything to do with it, there's a chance it could be awesome. If he comes within 100 miles of it though it's going down the shitter so fast you won't even have time to flush.