Live Fast, Die Young. The plight of today's Urban Black b


Sep 4, 2005
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Black bears that live around urban areas weigh more, get pregnant at a younger age, and are more likely to die violent deaths, according to a study by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

The authors found that bears in urbanized areas weighed an average of 30 percent more than bears in wild areas due to a diet heavily supplemented by garbage.

The authors believe that because the bears weigh more they are giving birth at an earlier age ? on average when they are between 4-5 years old, as compared to 7-8 years for bears in wild areas. Some urban bears even reproduced as early as 2-3 years of age around Lake Tahoe.

Urban bears also tend to die much younger due mostly to collisions with vehicles, according to the study. All 12 urban bears tracked by the researcher were dead by age 10 due to vehicle collisions, while six of the wildland bears still survived. Bear cubs in urban areas also had dramatically higher mortality rates due mainly to vehicle collisions.


you thought I was going to say boy ahahahaha stupid
Bears are awesome

goddamn new avy ain't working; how do i can has an animated avy :(
George Bush hates black bears.

polar bears tend to live in more isolated communities, away from the violence and decay of cities and their black bear cousins
west of the yellowstone born and raised
at a picnic is where i spent most of my days
chillin out maxin relaxin all cool
lookin for honey outside of the school
when a couple rangers who were up to no good
started makin trouble in my neighborhood
i got in one little dumpster and mom got scared
she said your movin with your auntie and your uncle in bel air
If you guys ever run out of bears, just come over and steal some of them Russian bears. There are plenty to go around.
Some urban bears even reproduced as early as 2-3 years of age around Lake Tahoe.

More like Taho am I rite? Right? Guys?
His awesome beard gives him the right to do anything
yeah this one kinda sucks
If you guys don't like me and want me to leave, okay, I'll just go get my bearings
this thread is now about scary looking bears that would eat you.

Thread title wouldve been better if it was "... Urban Black P"

"eople eating bears."
people eating bears or people eating bears?

either way, pretty cool topic
I had a dream about bears the other night. I blame you lot.