Llamma llamma llamma

LOL i just saw the video and it is great! Do you spend your spair time looking for lama videos or just come across it while searching?
its very good. But all those llamas do not beat the blue llama
What's the blue llama?

It's a flash file. Make sure it's not a problem with your micromedia.
ehh.. that kind of "random" humour doesn't really appeal to me anymore.. its like a half-assed attempt at absurdist humour.
Thorn of Death said:
What's the blue llama?

It's a flash file. Make sure it's not a problem with your micromedia.
its actually an inside joke with ppl from my church.
Hmmm pretty sure its been posted a few times before...

But it was good for its time.

also just how many people were gonna get that "inside joke" from your church... outta curiosity :p
Always brings back memories of Shel Silverstien's beloved children's poem, Llama Llama Llama.
That llama song is brilliant!

I love when he sings "I was only three years dead," and the gravestone is labelled "Well this sucks."

I feel like transcripting the entire song. One, two, ready, GO!

Here's a llama, there's a llama
And another little llama
Fuzzy llama, funny llama
Llama, llama, duck!

Llama, llama, cheesecake, llama
Tablet, brick, potato, llama
Llama, llama, mushroom, llama
Llama, llama, duck!

I was once a treehouse
I lived in a cake
But I never saw the way
The orange slayed the rake

I was only three years dead
But it told a tale
And now listen, little child
To the safety rail

Did you ever see a llama
Kiss a llama on the llama
Llama's llama tastes of llama
Llama llama duck!

Half a llama twice a llama
Not a llama farmer llama
Llama in a car alarm a
Llama llama duck!

Is this how it's told now
Is it all so old
Is it made of lemon juice
Doorknob, ankle, cold!

Now my song is getting thin
I've run out of luck
Time for me to retire now
And become a duck!