Logical Fallacies

  • Thread starter Thread starter MartinWintz
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I give an example of a logical fallacy
You tell me which logical fallacy it is
Then you give an example of a different logical fallacy
Someone else tells us which logical fallacy you used
And so on and so forth

I'll start us out with: Uriel is a Mormon therefore he will die a virgin.
oh snap! Martin caught your edit Uriel!

Is it Post hoc ergo propter hoc?
Post hoc is: A occurs and then B occurs, therefore A caused B.
So I don't think this qualifies as one
Hastey Generalization MartinWintz.

Religion is good! It helps people! It brings families together!
Hastey Generalization MartinWintz.

Religion is good! It helps people! It brings families together!

Hey that's right :D

**** i'm not sure what yours is
Fallacy of regression or stacking the deck?
stacking the deck! Somebody did a speech on religion during my speech class. Completely stacked the deck on how good it was. I was about to walk out of the classroom.

Paintings have painters and buildings have builders therefore people must have a creator.

Paintings have painters and buildings have builders therefore people must have a creator.

syllogism? but i dont see the fallacy... maybe you are comparing inanimate with animate? but man doesn't just fall from the sky, this is not terminator 3.
Explain stacking the deck to my poor 15-year old brain.
HalfLife2.net was created by a human.
This human was created by reproduction.
The family tree leads back to Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve were created by God.
yes it does. shush. don't diss my beliefs else I'll sue you.
An asian man robbed me in the street yesterday, also, there has been a direct increase between the number of asian males in this country and the crime rate, they have both increased in proportion to each other. Therefore Asians are criminals and should be deported.
I stabbed myself with a pencil in my pocket
The pencil was made in China
Stabbing is an act of violence
Therefore, China declared war on the United States through an act of violence on civilian(s) of the USA
I can fit in my shirt
My shirt can fit in my luggage
Therefore I can fit in my luggage

Thinking like a Christian is fun :D
God is real. Face it.
"A magic man done it!".

An asian man robbed me in the street yesterday, also, there has been a direct increase between the number of asian males in this country and the crime rate, they have both increased in proportion to each other. Therefore Asians are criminals and should be deported.

Correlation does not imply causation

I can fit in my shirt
My shirt can fit in my luggage
Therefore I can fit in my luggage
heh thats a good one. I'd say that falls under equivocation

I stabbed myself with a pencil in my pocket
The pencil was made in China
Stabbing is an act of violence
Therefore, China declared war on the United States through an act of violence on civilian(s) of the USA
"I stabbed myself"
"Stabbing is an act of violence"

You did the stabbing. So the conclusion doesn't logically follow from the premises
I always lie.
That's a paradox not a fallacy, however *head go boom*

You guys really ****'d up the order didn't ya? My turn i guess

You're suggesting a reform system that relies on the public's willingness to donate money to charities. However, public records show that you yourself didn't donate any money to charity last year. Clearly this reform won't work.