Logical Partition won't go away - HELP


Apr 23, 2004
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Alright... I was messing around with PartitionMagic, creating some logical drives and whatnot.

However, when I went to roll back the changes I made, it now says the my D: Drive (which is what I was trying to make Logical Partition on is "Bad" inside of Partition Magic. Ok.. but everthing on the drive still loads fine, blah blah blah.

But now I have the no capacity "Local Drive I" sitting around that only shows up inside of My Computer (Windows Explorer), and not in the Disk Managment screen. Heres a pic to explain:
If I click that Drive I, Windows just pops up and asks me to format it, which fails every time (probably cuz it has no capacity).

If I try to mess with it in Partition Magic, the only option it gives is to format it.

I suppose at this point my only option is to actually format the dirve... which I want to avoid since it's a 200GB drive full of all my stuff.

Any help?