Logo animation.


Jun 2, 2004
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I was just wondering how hard it would be to model something in 3D but make it look 2D, and animate it? I guess to be more specific, I have a logo that I want to animate but it's a flat 2D logo that I want to animate as though it were 3D so the animation is a lot more fluid than say in say flash, if that makes sense. Like I don't want it to look like a cel shaded cartoon or anything with black lines around it, it's just a white logo on a blue background. I was thinking of using swift 3D version 4 to animate it 'cause it's primarily a web animation and I want it to remain vector orientated. Does anyone know if something like that is even possible?
Surley is possible, but you'll need to be more specific about what you wanna do. For a flat logo in max for instance you could use planes / splines / etc to get a non cel-shaded 2d feel. What animation did you have in mind?
Sorry I wasn't very specific. The logo I want to animate is essentially a white coil on a blue background. i found an example which is kind of close to what I mean. Except I wouldn't want linework around my logo.


See the spinning logo? I want to turn my logo into a model a bit like that so I can animate it as a 3D object, whilst it is a flat 1 pure white logo on a coloured background.
I've attached a .jpg of what the logo I want animated looks like, if that's helps.