lol... so i guess jokes aren't allowed?

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Ya someone tryed it here. Thread just got deleated. FUnny thing is if all those people would click on the steampowered link and check for themselves they would see its fake.
Stupid slow forums.....if everyone would just get off i wouldn't have triple posted.
Nice spam. Or maybe its that lag post thing that happens. Once i posted once but refreshed it 3 times ended up posted 3 times :/.
ahh... well i just got home and saw it over at the 'other' forums. it scared the crap out of me, but i thought it was hilarious.

Immaturity is not allowed.

Thx go **** yourself now.

neither is hypocrisy, dipshit. get a sense of humor.
Immature attempts at getting people worked up aren't allowed no :)
this is not funny considering what HL2 communities have gone through in the past year...i think its a bit tasteless to be honest :|
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