London Olympics 2012 Logo


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Behold! The logo for the 2012 London Olympics is finally unveiled!


Like someone else said: "I can't see anything except Lisa Simpson giving head."

It will define the venues we build and the Games we hold and act as a reminder of our promise to use the Olympic spirit to inspire everyone and reach out to young people around the world. It is an invitation to take part and be involved.
This is a truly innovative brand logo that graphically captures the essence of the London 2012 Olympic Games - namely to inspire young people around the world through sport and the Olympic values.
Of course! The essence of the London 2012 Olympic Games. That is: bright colours, jagged edges, eye-gouging and obscene acts committed by cartoon characters. I can't wait. One is not amused.

But it gets better: because in these situations everyone and his dog thinks "400,000 quid (yes, 400,000) for that?"I could do better!" the BBC asked people to submit their own designs. Unfortunately they were not well-versed in webernet culture...

It's! It's! It's...oh dear.

As if that weren't enough, it may give people epileptic fits.

Ladies and gentlemen: the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics has begun!

(searched for a thread on this, couldn't find anything, hope it's not already posted)
Only the goatse.

The logo is retard-iculous enough for a discussion in itself!
I honestly hate,its horrible

looks like a crappy school promo logo (in my country every school promo make a logo)
Apparently they interviewed London children for 2 years before designing that logo.

I hate pretentious bullshit like that logo. As long as they have an excuse for making it like that then their ass is covered.
I'd prefer the goatse logo over this.
It's gruesome and embarassing. Look at the lovely simple logos for Sydney 2000 and Beijing 2008. Fantastic. Then see ours. Especially bad after we had such a fantastic bid logo.



?400k for this...tells you what we really value in this country. No not style over substance. Lack of style over... anything.
It really is awful. I think later in life I'm going to move to the USA cos I am sick of this country.
American culture is pretty similar to ours!

Except less socialist... hmm you may have a point.




I give them both 2/10. See me.
I don't 'get' this logo at all .. seriously, what is it actually supposed to be?
Modern Britain.

Shattered beyond all recognition.

No actually it's just Lisa Simpson giving head, tbh.
The crappy jagged shapes are supposed to be the numbers 2012, and the bright pink is for road safety.

It's balls. The goatse logo shits all over it.
It's to symbolize that money can't solve everything, 400,000 for that piece of shite.
sure it was designed by some pop fashion dumbass that thinks is a expert in everything by going all nights to some nightclub listening some crappy dj music
If you wouldn't have cheated and bribed the judges, Paris would have surelly comed up with a better logo.

But noooo, give the olympics to the britishs. This is what happens.
"I can't see anything except Lisa Simpson giving head."

I looked at the logo for 30 seconds before laughing the hardest i ever have in a long while. Thank god for crappy ideas.
The instant I saw the logo I thought it was a fake, because it so clearly resembles a guy getting head.
Now I see it - 2012. Looks like a shoddy attempt at graffiti-style writing. Or Lisa Simpson.
Oh, god. That sucks so much wang.
Haha. Best edit so far.
For the record - that's already on the BBC site. Wasn't me!
Oh God. Can't...Stop...Rolfing.

I could draw a better logo with a metal rod jammed through my dick and a squirrel gnawing at me nipples.
How in the blue flaming **** did that piece of crap run you guys 400,000 quid? Was it drawn with magical pencils or something?

Seriously, I could vomit a better design than that.

Also, the Berlin Olympics logo looks kinda cool. I just wish the Nazis hadn't ruined the swastika for everyone (not to mention the toothbrush moustache--bastards!).
How in the blue flaming **** did that piece of crap run you guys 400,000 quid? Was it drawn with magical pencils or something?
I'm guessing they did the branding for everything, not just the logo. If not then it's messed up.
This is one of the reasons why I love this forum.
Trust you guys to notice that.
It's a weak logo tbh. 5 years..plenty of time for someone else to come up with a more elegant solution.
It looks like it came from the late 80s. Right down to the shell-suit pink coloring.