Long shot but worth a try- speaker question


Oct 7, 2004
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Thought i'd try and ask for advice on these forums, but im aware there are probably no sound techies here. Anyway, here's the problem.

I have a set of fairly old technics 150W speakers (3 way) that i have been running on a newer technics 75W x2 integrated amp. (technics made some great stuff in the early '90s btw). The mid range tweeter has always been a bit dodgy, not coming on until they recieve enough wattage (like if i turn it up, or the song gets louder), but now, the mid range o one of the speakers has developed heaps of static (like, its about all yo hear from that speaker).

Is this an unfixable problem, or could it be dodgy connections, or could it even be the amp?
Thanks for help, if any....:D
Make sure that the positive and negative wires of the speaker cable aren't touching each other. Sometimes that happens at the back of the amp if wires get a little loose and come out a bit, they can touch one another. You could also buy a cheap midrange from Radioshack and throw that in there, see if it fixes your problem. It should be easy to see if its your amp, just hook it up to another speaker. Oh but since the static is only coming out of 1 of the 3 speakers, it's probably not your wiring or the amp, it's probably the speaker itself. So yeah, throw a cheap Radio shack one in there. It could also be the built in crossover, but probably not. By taking out the speaker to replace it, you could check the wiring on the inside too.
Yeah right

I tryd that 2 and that didn't work. What a total luuzer who posted that #$!@$!!!one22111120100101lolololol.

My real name is "poop-scoop"