Look at me ma, I'm a scally!

I dont get it. You went out of your way to look like scallies/chavs?
"...and the instant Murray pointed at Terry, he was frozen in time."
Damn it murray, you just made my chav detector explode.

My respect for you vaporised with it. You're on my list now... be afraid.
lePobz said:
Is that a gun in your pocket or do you just like playing dress-up?

Just well hung :|

I loved it last night, so much fun :D
In that second picture, why is the guy in the blue shirt picking the other guys nose? cmon some decency?
Hectic Glenn said:
In that second picture, why is the guy in the blue shirt picking the other guys nose? cmon some decency?

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's sure as hell what it looks like!

BTW, what defines a 'chav' for you United Kingdomers? A baseball cap and a shirt?

In america, all that guy would be classified as is someone who doesn't know how to dress. heh. Jogging shorts, and finger jewelery? ugh
1. chav
Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 ½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says “Whats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.


Zerimski said:
So not "Tel" or "Tezza"? I'm disappointed.

Yeah we shortened it, Tel sounds good in a scouse accent (seeing as I was a scally :p)
Tr0n said:
So basically chavs are pussy candy assed wiggers, no?

Not necessarily.

They're the group of young people with generally few prospects in life who sit around in groups making a nuisance. Drinking cider, smashing windows, driving around in cars with a years wages worth of sound system inside, and generally being nasty big mouthed individuals. While many are all mouth no balls you do get a few chavs (council house and violent, love that) who are very willing to beat the living sh*t out of you for little or no reason.

Luckily I know most of the chavs in my town, so they don't hassle me, unless they're "pegging for some baccy" or need help "scoring some sh*t".

Chavs also ruin raves by turning up.
SimonomiS said:
Haha! Loving the expressions. Is that just 2p's sellotaped to your fingers?? :laugh: :laugh:

Yep, 2p sovereigns :D

Made all our fingers go green!
Do you have to stick a finger in every photo.

I hate chavs...
Chavs are a real issue, dressing up like one is just..stupid.
Ritz said:
Chavs are a real issue, dressing up like one is just..stupid.
Hear hear.

There's a very valulable lesson we can all learn from this.

Acting and dressing like a chav may make you feel normal, but it's a one way trip to living on a council estate in faversham with 20 kids and no money.

Just say no. Especially you, Murray ... you let the team down.

edit: No offence to those of you fortunate enough to live on a council estate in faversham. :o
Woah woah woah. I live in Faversham, and I know people from the estates, they ain't all bad.
I actually know a few chavs - I was good mates with most of them before they started hanging around with the wrong sort of people in my opinion (obviously they can hang around with whoever they like), and I still talk to them. If you know chavs, they're not the dirty scumbags they're labelled. Although, I still hate them in general - the things they do really. Around here if you walk in shady bits of town at late night you will run into a bunch of townies who'll hurl abuse/bottles your way more often than not. Damn them (well, most of them) :p
Ritz said:
Chavs are a real issue, dressing up like one is just..stupid.

Cheer up

And yes, the middle finger in every photo was necessary for effect :)