Look out windows user new virous making its rounds.


May 20, 2003
Reaction score


This is a mass-mailing worm that arrives in an email message as follows:
Subject: (Random)
Body: (Varies, such as)
The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment.
Attachment: (varies - often arrives in a ZIP archive) (22,528 bytes)
The icon used by the file tries to make it appear as if the attachment is a text file
When this file is run it copies itself to the local system with the following filenames:
c:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\activation_crack.scr
It also uses a DLL that it creates in the Windows System directory:
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shimgapi.dll (4,096 bytes)
It creates the following registry entry to hook Windows startup:
CurrentVersion\Run "TaskMon" = %SysDir%\taskmon.exe
i've always wondered who gets these messages and opens them. well i guess it's probably people who aren't very computer literate i suppose, at least people get warned about it beforehand. you've been warned kids!
/me pats his two braincells. poor old aol users.
hmmm..... when are there going to be some viruses that actually portray us a challenge? sure, for buisnesses its hell but i totally owned a virus that i got in august (the day after i got the new internet connection and about two weeks after my pc- i was well pissed off). well when i say I owned it i really mean bill gates owned it. he came round my house and did it well an' propa'
taskmon? isnt that just a normal program? Or is it like a discuised version or something
When are we going to have a REAL virus? I mean like, one that infects as many computers as possible without giving notice of it's presence, only to create a new network of cells, and become an all powerful brain computer based on the internet?

*ahem* Skynet?