Looking for a new game to play.


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, I figured you lot play a lot of PC games, so I figured I'd come here for some help.

I'm looking at buying a new PC game. A really good one, something I can get hooked into. I have considered S.T.A.L.K.E.R but have some doubts about whether it's for me or not.

It seems like the only games I've been playing the last few years are half life and mods/games associated with it, and The odd bit of Elder scrolls here and there.

I'm quite a bit fan of FPS games, and also a fan of games such as Dungeon Siege, Neverwinter nights, D2 style games.

Now before you recommend any, here's a list of games I have played, or don't want to play.


I know these are all good games, and probably the best out there at the moment, but I just didn't really get hooked into them. I'm a bit weary of COD4 just because I prefer to stay away from games set in modern warfare. I like games with a bit of abnormality, like Stalker, but like I say, I want to try it, but don't want to blow all my money on it without trying it first.

So, any suggestions?

p.s: Games like Oblivion which are non-linear appeal to me.
I have also played both of those, I am looking for a game with good sp story, mainly thinking of fps games.
Is the game all dark, industrial and gloomy? I don't want to be playing another silent hill where it's all nonstop darkness and random monsters. I would like it to be full of at least some sane npc's.
Is the game all dark, industrial and gloomy? I don't want to be playing another silent hill where it's all nonstop darkness and random monsters. I would like it to be full of at least some sane npc's.
Since when were npcs in any game sane, good or bad? What with them running out in the middle of friendly fire, repeating the same dialogue over and over, running into walls and such? :D
Is the game all dark, industrial and gloomy? I don't want to be playing another silent hill where it's all nonstop darkness and random monsters. I would like it to be full of at least some sane npc's.
no it's not like that. but you do have to go through underground levels and labs that gives you spookiness with ambient sounds, but that's pretty much it.

what i like about this game is that, the game can be so random. you see bunch of NPCS fighting against each other or monsters fighting against each other.
these have very good singleplayer:
Max Payne 1+2
Call of Duty 1+2

and if you like D2 style stuff, definitely check out Titan Quest and the expansion Immortal Throne, they're both on Steam.
GTA: San Andreas
HL2: Episode 2
Two Worlds
Gothic 3

It is my opinion that both Two Worlds & Gothic 3 are excellent RPG's, once you patch them to the most current version, forget what you have read or heard about the games. Play them for yourself & see. I am new to STALKER & OMFG I love it.

With Stalker are you able to just wander out, hunt some mutants, then wander back to the safety of the camp? without needing to progress too much too fast?
You mentioned NWN, have you tried NWN2 yet?
gta is so.. well, eeeww lol just take a look at carls face.

anyway COD4 is good and has a ok multiplayer
crysis was a let down for me
I never actually got far in NWN 1, but I was a bit young to know what I was doing, what I do know is that I liked the gameplay, no I haven't played NWN 2, but it's something i'm considering, maybe a full NWN box set.

The story is OK, but you have to play the game to see how awesome it is, as it has many truly epic moments.
i really dont know why but i've always been a sucker for Republic Commando, the guys here might disagree with me but i really enjoyed the single player, and it's like $10 at wal mart as we speak
Baldur's Gate I and II are both ****ing epic if you like NWN-style games.
With Stalker are you able to just wander out, hunt some mutants, then wander back to the safety of the camp? without needing to progress too much too fast?

That you can, laddie. The Plot only progresses when you do the core storyline missions, you're free to do sidequests or simply explore and go mutant/bandit/mercenary/etc hunting all you want.

I would also reccomend STALKER. In addition, GTA: Vice City is always a good bit of fun, and in my opinion has a much more compelling setting, atmosphere and cast than either GTA 3 or SA.

In addition, Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars is a rather good RTS-RPG hybrid that I found was a good playthrough. Fairly pretty graphics (formerly very pretty, but things have moved on) a good storyline and a nice UI are some of the good features.
Return To Castle Wolfenstein (an oldie but goodie)

Prey (Good game plus you can get it really cheap now)

Gears Of War (A team based shooter thats bloody great,using the Chainsaw Bayonet to carve up an enemy and watch his blood splatter on the screen is a joy to behold.!)

Dark Messiah( Might and Magic)like Oblivion but with a far better combat system.

Descent 3 (Something abit different,its an old game but still looks and plays great)

Conflict Freespace - The great war (Classic space shooter)its sequel Freespace 2 is even better.

Titan Quest - Like NN set in Ancient Greece etc.)
I recommend Stalker too. There are not many scary moments (the underground labs), but there are some random things that happen that are scary sometimes.