Looking for a new haircut


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
My friend (female) insists that I get a new haircut (noticeably reducing my hair lenght in the process). She'd probably be most happy if she could choose the new style herself, but of course I can't allow that. :P That would also mean short-medium hair, while I'd rather go for medium-long.

Suggestions please with pics.

This is how I look now:

tell her to change her haircut

be a man!

though the ponytail dont seen to help
don't cut any of it and put it into a mohawk.

edit: with colors.
Don't cut it, just put it up in pigtails and see if she notices.
Don't cut it, just put it up in pigtails and see if she notices.

YES! then put on a dress, some makeup, stuff your bra, tuck it, a splash of perfume, and hit on her like crazy. :|

or try and be controling or something.
I'm confused, you say that as if there's another kind O_o
Shave your head bald EXCEPT for your pony tail. Have that sticking out of the back of your bald-ass head.
dude. dont cut your hair short like every one else out there. go 60's on their asses, let it loose. hair turns awesome once you stop stuffing it with chemicals every single day
Break into her house at night and cut off all her hair with a pair of rusty scissors and then taste her tears as she struggles to get free.

But that's just me.

Seriously though, your hair looks cool.
Dude, cut it off then glue it (With a weak glue, for obvious reasons) to your face as a mustache, and then ask her "It's either the face or the head, bitch, which is it?"

That's how I'd handle it.
Shave your head bald EXCEPT for your pony tail. Have that sticking out of the back of your bald-ass head.

Like that guy from The Mask.

And I think we all know how cool he was.
Don't cut it. And if she brings it up again just punch her in the face.
My friend (female) insists that I get a new haircut (noticeably reducing my hair lenght in the process). She'd probably be most happy if she could choose the new style herself, but of course I can't allow that. :P That would also mean short-medium hair, while I'd rather go for medium-long.

Suggestions please with pics.

This is how I look now:

Ignore her, do want you want.
Whoa, Unfocused is a good-lookin' mofo! :p

Anyway, your hair is very straight, so I say cut it to mid-length (4 or 5 inches) and get it cut like David Bowie or Leon from RE4. That would own.