Looking for a new ISP

Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Well i have been with Tiscali for around 3 years and they have been alright untill now. But now they seem to be traffic shaping outside of peak peroids so online games and p2p are useless and to top it off i have not been able to go on the internet since 12th september so i want to leave ASAP.

Anyway i am looking for a decent Uk isp which allows p2p with no traffic shaping so what isp are you guys using and can you recomend me any.
Well, I'm moving to Pipex from Supanet (They are so crap that they won't give us a MAC code =/ )

The package is the 8mb Unlimited with the Phone Package which is good considering we are already on the same phone package (or something like that).

Just google it and see what review come up from the last 2 months.
Thanks for that they are the best that i have heard so far.
I had the same problem with Tiscali and my MAC Code first they refused to give it to me then they said it would take at least 3 month. Funny how after i rang Ofcom i got it the next day.