looking for a program


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
that allows you to play songs so everyone can hear them in counter-strike and other hl mods.. you press a key and it plays music files of a certain format. Tried googling with no luck. Anyone know what it's called or where to find it?
CyberSh33p said:
its called thats so annoying don't do it :(

heh, thanks but I dont plan on using it to piss people off (: it's for people who dance around with me and we have a jolly time :)
thanks zinsane :D

edit: all that program does is make a cfg that binds home to alert im using cheats \:
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
heh, thanks but I dont plan on using it to piss people off (: it's for people who dance around with me and we have a jolly time :)

even so.. its annoying for those who are just there to play the game and not horse around with u and ur buddies..

but whatever.. :|
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
thanks zinsane :D

edit: all that program does is make a cfg that binds home to alert im using cheats \:
Then I'm guessing the latest AdminMod or VAC or something doesn't like it.

oh, I thoguh bhc was saying that he's using cheats, and it messed them up :p
babyheadcrab, just try to use winamp over the chatting system...........:D
I like it cuz somebody always play a funny sound bit our cool song. "LET'S PLAY SOME TETRIS MOTHER****ER. preem preempreem preem preempreem proom proom prooom"
I think what he meant is when he tries to use it it gives the "ALERT_I'M USING A CHEAT MENU" thing. I've seen that a lot lately.
You can use the windows volume control to route your CD or WAV playback into your mic input... don't need an external program to do that.
LittleB said:
I like it cuz somebody always play a funny sound bit our cool song. "LET'S PLAY SOME TETRIS MOTHER****ER. preem preempreem preem preempreem proom proom prooom"

That song rocks so much.
I thought of something...

If you can get onto a teamspeak or vent server and bind whatever sound file to whatever key, and then do that wav to mic routing thing I mentioned in my previous post, that would work, and without setting off any cheat detection thingy... right? I mean as long as you can find a vent or ts server with a room that nobody's using...