Looking For A Skinner


Ace of Spades

Team Deja Vu, is in need a a skinner, who has very good knowlege of UV Mapping. We currently have several models, that need to be Uv'ed. Open to all, as long as you can get the job done.

My AIM is irsh1337
MSN is [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

please contact me, i greaty lookforward to it.


The mod, takes place before Halflife2, and After Hl1. You play as gordon freeman, going back in to the black mesa. Venturing though some of the older levels, as well as some new.

Fore more information about hte mod, please contact me.

Josh (Ace of Spades)
Does anything on your site actually work? I still don't know what the hell your mod is about.