Looking for a specific wallpaper


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
The endless corridor from The Matrix Reloaded preferably in 1280x1024. If anyone can get me that wallpaper, that'd be great. Just the hallway, no Neo, Trinity or anyone like that.

I've searched almost everywhere.

I've just searched every wallpaper/matrix fan site that came up on google... I can't find it either.
joule said:
The endless corridor from The Matrix Reloaded preferably in 1280x1024. If anyone can get me that wallpaper, that'd be great. Just the hallway, no Neo, Trinity or anyone like that.

I've searched almost everywhere.


If you have a the DVD of the Matrix Reloaded and a DVD-ROM you could use a program to get the desktop image that you want...I think.
Damn. I'd have thought at least someone would have found it.

The Intarnet has let me down. ;(
I searched for it to but only came up with sites that just wanted to give me spyware
ohhh ok I didn't know that...free porn toolbars for all!
Just make one yourself. xLostx don't post anymore, your count is 777!
oh noes! :O you just ruined a perfectly even 3,900 post count pressure! someone reset his!
Ok. So no luck there. I may get a screen cap of that scene in the near future.

But can anyone find me a 1280x1024 wallpaper of when Neo flies really fast through the city near the end. At blazing speeds and hurries to catch Trinity.

Like this: http://free-zg.t-com.hr/underworld/filmovi/matrix/Neo_flying_1024.jpg

Just in High-Quality, like DVD. And I don't need any words on the wallpaper.