Looking for a Total War type RTS game


Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I downloaded the demo for Rome: Total War on the weekend (becasue I was bored), and found the game really good fun. The graphics are really dated now but other than that its a really good game.

Whats the latest RTS game that had massive real time battles like in Rome: Total War?
GAME have all three Rome:Total War games for ?12.99... or Medieveil 2 for ?19.99

I am fussy about graphics but the three Rome:Total War games seems a bargain to me.

What the difference between them and Medievil2? Aprt from the graphics ofcourse
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War does it kind of. If you like the strategic map, try Civilization IV. Battle for Middle-Earth II has a Total War-style gameplay partially.
Ive got all the Warhammer Games, im looking for a different era of RTS i.e. Rome and Medieval2. Im gonna try out the demo and see what I think, but I would be a fool to miss out on the ?12.99 for all three TW:Rome games!
Try Supreme Commander, its graphics are amazing and its definatly epic. The multiplayer is solid and the single player takes advantage of all different types of gameplay. When the expansion pack comes out soon it will only get better :D
Try Supreme Commander, its graphics are amazing and its definatly epic. The multiplayer is solid and the single player takes advantage of all different types of gameplay. When the expansion pack comes out soon it will only get better :D

Try the demo first, if you go out and buy them game right off the bat... you'll probably be incredibly bored at how slow-paced it is.
Ive played Supremem Commander, it is a good game but im after a RTS set in the old times.. like Stronghold but on a much bigger scale. Been playing the Medieveil 2 Demo, so far its OK bur VERY hard... in one battle you have 1000 men and the computer has 2000!
in one battle you have 1000 men and the computer has 2000!

But then there's the Great Campaign, the actual game, you know. Historical Battles are more of a challenge. (Oh, and I won that incredibly-outnumbered-spanish-versus-aztects one :p)