Looking for desinger for HL

I am running a small company www.wme.no
we are designing fire protection systems, Water mist.

I belive that the HL robot is a superb game to demostrate our new fire fighting systems, FogTube.

We are currently looking for somone that can deisng in fogtube or other water msit products into HL.

All our models are desinged in 3D, Inventor, fullscaled drawings.

If interested, send me an email [email protected]

crackhead, shut up. Your punctuation isn't exactly perfect, either.

Sorry Kjetil, but what exactly are you doing? I don't see why or what you are attempting to do, or who exactly you're trying to hire. Besides, this is most likely the wrong place to post it. If you could expand a little on what your business is all about...
This guy obviously does not speak English as a first language, which makes his spelling and punctuation entirely permissable.

I think what he wants is a 3D animation of his product to display to potential buyers, or perhaps a 3D game in which you use the product to put out fires.

HL2 is not an animation software, so he needs to look somewhere else. Unless, of course, he is looking for a game to be made.