Looking for help with summer jobs.


May 31, 2004
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Let me note, I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and i'm currently 14. So I don't know of many 'real' jobs I can go for. most of them ask for a high school education, and a SSN.

I am currently thinking about copying some fliers to put them on door knobs on several houses, they are fliers advertising lawn mowing. $20 for front and back. Can someone tell me if this is the way to go? I could be doing part-time working as a clerk or some sort, but I don't know if I can do that kind of thing..

Can someone give me advice on jobs?
isn't it impossible to be hired at some retail store because you're not 16? You can't really do all that much as a 14 year old. Babysitting? at 14 maybe you're too young. You could definitely do lawn care or find someone who could hire you to do random tasks. I'm sorry, but i think your options are somewhat limited at your age.
Become a google spammer, buy a server and set up thousands of link farms and fill your sites with ads and sit back and watch the cash roll in.
in the UK your allowed to babysit at 14, although people trust girls more :/


edit: or what JellyWorld said ^^^^

Labor laws here state that anyone 14-16 can get a job thats isn't hazardous (carrying heavy boxes, chemicals, forklifts, driving, ect). Working as a clerk or cleaning up is fine.


That would require me having money to buy the server, now wouldn't it? :P

I think that the lawnmowing could be a good idea..I think professional lawn care is $30-40. I just hope I can get through with this.
Here you can't get a job if you're under 18, not even at McDonalds or something. I don't know if that's the culture here or if it's due to legislation.
I'm 15 almost (in 10 days, woot) and I have a job at a local resturant. Get a "worker's permit" from your school. That allows you to work anywhere, except at, like, a construction yard.
JellyWorld said:
Become a google spammer, buy a server and set up thousands of link farms and fill your sites with ads and sit back and watch the cash roll in.

I think I heard on the news about a guy being arrested for doing that. Although, he did make a rediculous sum, like, 20 million dollars.

I'm in the wrong business.

(Sorry for x2 post.
Market yourself - my friend put up flyers with a bit of artwork and thought put into them. "Slave" in big letters on the top, will do any menial work, etc., etc., hourly rate @ $13/hr, I believe. He was expecting to dig ditches, split wood, etc., but he wound up housesitting mostly. It'll be tougher at your age, though. He even made a work shirt that said "Prole" on the back, and people accused him of spelling parole wrong. Another racket that I have seen work is hawking "antiques" on eBay, but you'll need a small capital investment for that though.
yes, I do have an SSN. I found out today, it's in a file drawer right by me but i'm too lazy to check for it, and it's useless for me atm because I can't think of any places that would hire me. Can someone reccomend any :imu:
Sanius said:
Let me note, I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and i'm currently 14. So I don't know of many 'real' jobs I can go for. most of them ask for a high school education, and a SSN.

I am currently thinking about copying some fliers to put them on door knobs on several houses, they are fliers advertising lawn mowing. $20 for front and back. Can someone tell me if this is the way to go? I could be doing part-time working as a clerk or some sort, but I don't know if I can do that kind of thing..

Can someone give me advice on jobs?

Thats a great way to go about earning money. When I was 15 I worked for a building contractor (hush hush cash in hand) sweeping up apartments after they'd finished doing dry-wall, wood-work, etc and it was a horrible job. I mean I'd come home after work and have a shower and cough up half a mouth full of shit that I'd spent the day breathing in (and yes I wore a mask).

Being outside would have been cool.
maybe you can get your dad, relative, or friend to put you somewhere you'd like.

when i was 14 i used to be an office clerk at a powerplant. It was nice as i had to deliver these papers to remote offices all around the facilities and places. Had to walk great distances but i didn't really bother because i had great company with me :naughty: