Looking for mod


Jan 5, 2009
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Hey everybody

I'm looking for a mod to join in on, as a supplement for my ongoing
education as a 3D Digital Artist. Gaming is a big passion of mine, and
as i want to end up working in the gaming industry, I believe working
for a mod will push me in the right direction.

I have not worked on a mod before, and have therefore no experience in
the "3D program > Actual game" pipeline (I currently work in 3Ds Max). But i have done a few shortmovies with other ppl, so the whole working in a group thing
isn't new to me. I'm also working on a shortmovie right now with a few
people at the studios i'm currently working at (I'm a trainee, so not
making any money just yet ;))

I primarily work on hardsurface modelling, rigging and animation.
I've also done some texturing now and then, but that's not my favorite
thing to do. As i'm new to the whole mod-community, i'll be more than
happy to take on some simpler tasks, like props modelling and so.

There's a few animation and modelling pieces plus a shortmovie on my
youtube account here: www.youtube.com/aff3dk . All of this was done in
my school period. Also got a environment shot, which can be seen here: http://peecee.dk/upload/view/147982/full

I'm not really looking for a specific kind of mod, everything is
interesting. As long i can see some kind of future in it (like having
some concept done etc.) I also ask, that i can use the stuff that i
make in future showreels and/or for closed viewings.

You can either send me a pm, contact me on MSN:
[email protected] or email: [email protected]
Any questions/comments are also welcome. Hope to hear from some of you, cheers


Ps. Sorry for the various grammar mistakes, i'm from Denmark, so my
english isn't perfect :)