Looking for more people to play with


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
I'm getting tired of playing with so many bad players. When I say bad I don't mean bad at the game, anyone can learn, I mean just plain overall bad. Ragers, quitters, exploiters, rushers, people who won't knock zombies off you, etc.

So I just wanted to create a thread where people looking for more like-minded individuals can come in and add each other on steam.

Post your steam name here!

I think mine is posdata1, and my usual alias is Rico ingame. Hit me up for some versus or campaign play, I just want more good people to play with! I will edit my post once I make sure when I get home.

Anyways, maybe we can organize some community versus games?
Mines stemot in the game, stemot_uk on steam, won't be on tonight but will pretty much any other time. I seem to have quite a few friends through playing Left 4 Dead on Steam, so I would have thought I'm okay to play with ;)
There's the HL2.net L4D group too.
Mines Pimpinpenguin on steam and never play a versus match without HL2netters or some good friends
Why does it no longer show our Steam Community ID under our Location anymore?

Can't seem to find you. There are alot of Ricos out there
How do I join the L4D HL2.net group? I'm part of the TF2 and Hl2.net community groups, but not the L4D group. The reason you probably haven't seen me on is that I don't usually use too many of the steam community options but maybe I will starting when I get home tonight!
Just add people to your friends and follow those in L4D...we usually play with each other.
I need to play me some more L4D as well. Had a few games with some HL2.netters and they were a blast, but not seen many people in L4D whilst idling in chat.

Steam name is 3ssence, feel free to add me. I'm not amazing at L4D by any means, but i play nice and am in it for the fun.

My Steam page is here. Trust me, co-op or versus, I always watch over my teammates.
Anyone can find me playing very regularly ;) Add me man, Steam ID: Born.
I've noticed, why is it that almost everyone here uses the HL2.net Steam tags? I mean, I too would use it if I didn't belong to other groups.

Actually, screw it, I'm changing mah name as soon as I get 1000 posts here.
We had the most incredible game of l4d versus with me, Rizzo, Reggie, Tavion, Melanie, Digi, Glenn, and someone else I forget who - Giant, I think it was?
I play sometimes, but I will quit if I get boomer more than twice in a row on versus.
Mine's is: bleh900

I also play on the HL2.net, sometimes.
Last night we were organising games, and I posted an announcement for a HL2.net game, we filled up 2 / 3 servers full of HL2.netters. Just checking the forums and Steam chat now, everyone had an epic and fun time, including me!
Lesson being, just randomly jump into the Steam HL2.net chat and yell. Someone might take notice.