Looking for peeps


Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
This forum seems a bit dead latley, but I figure there must be some BF2-ers around still. I'm looking for some folks to join in with, as all my bf2 buddies are absent. Not to serious, but who do use at least basic squadwork :) Any folks that play bf2 looking for an extra man? People who use teamspeak for preference :)

Feel free to add me on xfire (Linkorz)
Me and my clan buddies are always looking to populate our server. Added.
Added, I'm up for BF2 Squad play anytime :thumbs:
Add me! I won't be back until Monday, but I may have a working mic by then :D

I'm also a decently kick-ass medic, if that matters.
Add me up. CyberPitz

I'm out of the house for a day or two. I'll be gaming tomarrow, depends on how bullshit goes.
i think we need a hl2net match soon, on weekends everyone is on xfire, we need to get together, just jump in some empty pub or maybe a 256 match?:)

my xfire is the same as my name here too btw.
i think we need a hl2net match soon, on weekends everyone is on xfire, we need to get together, just jump in some empty pub or maybe a 256 match?:)

my xfire is the same as my name here too btw.

heck, I'm all for the 256 server. I get 150 ping, which really ISN'T that bad....just gotta find a time I can play without it being past their bedtimes...
Talk to Disco on our forum for all friendly match info :D

Would love another one against you lot!
Bf2 voip never works for me. Btw my xfire is hool10 and I should be called "Jack The Ripper" as a nickname. But I am called hool10 in-game. :sniper:
morneheru if anyone wants me. Gonna start playing more now it's the summer :E