Looking for The best 17" or higher LCD TV/Mointor


Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Help! I need to replace my current CRT mointor that has pretty much lost its brightness causing it to be pretty dim. I am currently looking on newegg to find the best deal (i.e. best and cheapest) on a new mointor that will be used for everything from watching movies to playing games. Any suggestions? This is what I found so far





...didn't say what their maximum resolution was. Do yourself a favor, and make sure it supports HD (basically, anything higher than 1600x1200). If you don't have a card that can drive these resolutions, it'll still work (and you'll probably have one someday). Widescreen is nice too.
yeah it says it if you scroll down a bit you'll see the specs for each. um for the AOC 17' max resolution was 1280x768 and it supports hdtv Analog RGB, HDTV (720p/1080i
Response time is an important consideration if you want to play games- anything below 16ms is not ideal.
Try and get 8 if you can.
J_Tweedy said:
Response time is an important consideration if you want to play games- anything above 16ms is not ideal.
Try and get 8 if you can.

was that a typo?
Devvo said:
was that a typo?

No, you want a lower number to have a better response. Instead of it taking 16ms to change, it only takes 8ms, which means the screen updates faster. And thats what you want, unless you want to see horrible moving images that you make out.
Krynn72 said:
No, you want a lower number to have a better response. Instead of it taking 16ms to change, it only takes 8ms, which means the screen updates faster. And thats what you want, unless you want to see horrible moving images that you make out.

read his post, not mine
Adabiviak said:
...didn't say what their maximum resolution was. Do yourself a favor, and make sure it supports HD (basically, anything higher than 1600x1200). If you don't have a card that can drive these resolutions, it'll still work (and you'll probably have one someday). Widescreen is nice too.

except most hd sources done go past 720p going that high for tv isnt worth it half the time for the price
Haha yeh was a typo- anything below 16ms IS IDEAL. Anything above is not. Sorry bout that.